LionHead Popple Pics- Color Question- Pic Hvy

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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These are Pride and Kingston's first litter of three popples. One is a double maned- it is the smallest, which actually works in my favor, since the parents are oversized. I think the other two are black torts, but have never seen a tort kit. :? There extremities are darker too, so they could be Siamese-somethings for all I know! One is lighter than the other.

Double maned kit:

Lighter colored kit:

Darker colored kit:
I can see the double mane's insides... I've never noticed that on mine. Yuck.

Otherwise, cute!! I can't wait to see your lionheads grow up, I've only ever seen mine!
Thanks, SarahMelisse.

Bad Habit":2dbukv0i said:
I can see the double mane's insides... I've never noticed that on mine. Yuck.

Lol. Yup. Have you noticed that your DM's develop their fur more slowly overall? Mine looks a couple of days younger fur-wise than the others. :?
So I may have a blue and a black tort? And a mystery DM.

I will post more pics as they get a little bigger.
My DM's seem to develop fur all at once, but later than the SM. On my first litter, the only SM was a porker compared to the other kits. The 2nd litter, the 2 dm's seemed to be about the same size as the other, and this litter now, the one sm is about the same size as the rest, if not a little smaller.
Beautiful babies.

Saw Luna at 3 days old, had more fur than your DM, but was naked around the neck and sides, which is where the wool grows.

Will be interesting to see how long it takes for your DM to fur up.

The DM is going to be a light colour for sure. My non-extension harli(aka the maybe magpie) looked like it had no hair for days, drove me up every wall waiting for it to change colour.
The darker one looks Black Tort, the lighter one looks Tort, thinking Black, just not as smutty. Will be able to tell more after eye color is distinguishable. The lightest (1st pictured, DM) could be a few things, would help to know what parents are, don't think it is a BEW & defiantly not a REW.