Ticking on the body makes me think it's not otter, but some form of agouti, like those Flemish I mentioned earlier (which I hear aren't steel at all, just superdark agoutis). Your DM kits are agoutis, so agouti is totally possible; I've also seen some dark chestnut lionheads (http://www.lionhead.us/images/showphotoarchives/2005 ARBA Conv/BOB.jpg), so it doesn't seem far fetched that he's just a dark chestnut.
Light baby is weird too. Doesn't quite look lilac to me? This is my lilac kit in sunlight...the purple one. (http://40.media.tumblr.com/75f015fdedf2385ec8e56bd0e6bcf4a2/tumblr_nnh54tcG4G1r8hd2io1_500.jpg) lol Blues are a darker gray. Lilac seems a touchy color though and changes in different lighting, at least for me... Blue is more likely, as it's the dilute of black; lilac is the dilute of chocolate.