Let see everyone's Pen tattoos!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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Please post only pen/hand written tattoos of your rabbits. =D
Clamp tats are all very much the same, rarely do you see the hand done ones. Heck, there's only one video of a lady tattooing a rabbit by hand and it's an old video.
I love the pen it is much easier on the rabbit and me. Besides I couldn't imagine what those pliers with all the holes being punched in at one would feel like...no wonder they scream with them so much. I might get a squirm here or there but you get that with a 8 week old rabbit regardless.
i never had a rabbit scream with a plier. i'm very interested in trying a hand tat at some point. i'll post if I ever try it.
I'll take pictures of my pen tattoos later today. They aren't the best because i've only done 5 so far.<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 20, 2012 3:44 pm __________<br /><br />Here is a pen tattoo on my little angora bunny. He is a good rabbit very calm while I did it he didn't squirm at all.
A&BRabbitry":26zc2aap said:
I love the pen it is much easier on the rabbit and me. Besides I couldn't imagine what those pliers with all the holes being punched in at one would feel like...no wonder they scream with them so much. I might get a squirm here or there but you get that with a 8 week old rabbit regardless.

See, I have been using the clamp and maybe only get one out of two dozen that screams. I tried the pen tat and the first one shrieked bloody murder! I must be doing it wrong....how do you do it?
Heh, you guys can obviously see the needle...mine are huge and go into the fur edge...
Have to redo one, but I'm going to tattoo all of them in a week or so. Hopefully it will go much better and be worth getting a picture of them...
OneAcreFarm":jlnq54xl said:
A&BRabbitry":jlnq54xl said:
I love the pen it is much easier on the rabbit and me. Besides I couldn't imagine what those pliers with all the holes being punched in at one would feel like...no wonder they scream with them so much. I might get a squirm here or there but you get that with a 8 week old rabbit regardless.

See, I have been using the clamp and maybe only get one out of two dozen that screams. I tried the pen tat and the first one shrieked bloody murder! I must be doing it wrong....how do you do it?

I had one rabbit scream but I think it's just because she is a nervous rabbit. The other 4 that I did didn't scream at all. They did jerk around though, I could tell they didn't like it.
Only a couple of mine moved and only for a second, and nobody screamed. I used the clamp the week before and had several scream.

I think the problem everybody is having is that you tend to think you have to press with the pen- I have actually had the needle "snag" in my early attempts- instead, just glide lightly over the ear surface. If the line is too light, go back over it.
Oh! Such good handwriting!

I'll have to post a pic next time I get to the barn (I'm sick, :( ) My tattoos look like I scratched them into stone with a pointy stick.

Why do we have a rabbit smilie wearing a pancake? :pancake:
Cattle Cait":f42h8kmy said:
Oh! Such good handwriting!

I'll have to post a pic next time I get to the barn (I'm sick, :( ) My tattoos look like I scratched them into stone with a pointy stick.

Why do we have a rabbit smilie wearing a pancake? :pancake:

because of this "famous" bunny picture
I am somewhat jealous of these neat beautiful pen tattoos.
The last time I tattooed about a month ago. I tried using the pen for the second time.
The tattoos were UNREADABLE and the rabbits VERY jumpy!

Yesterday and today I tattooed about 35 kits and I used the clamp. I was able to do it myself and even though they did jump when I squeezed. there was NO need to try to FIX anything like with many of my pen tries, all I had to do was remove the clamp and apply the ink in the neat little punctures.

The first time I used the pen it seemed to go OK. But I have had a HECK of a time getting the little needle back into the base and then being able to thread it into the cover. I thought I'd be cross-eyed for ever trying to see into that tiny hole. I have an EZ-tat and so far for me it ISN'T :cry:
I use an EZ-tat myself and it has took a year of using but I now can manage to get the needle through the cover without splitting the needles themself now. I would say I wasted at least two good needles before I got it right. As far a legibility goes I had issues with that as well but found making short quick strokes of only about a 1/4 to 1/3 of a letter at a time heled me make much easier and neater tattoos.
Mine is an EquaTat, and it looks kind of like a "jail house" setup! It is basically an aftermarket tooth brush...lol!
Cattle Cait":3879rsni said:
Oh! Such good handwriting!

I'll have to post a pic next time I get to the barn (I'm sick, :( ) My tattoos look like I scratched them into stone with a pointy stick.

Why do we have a rabbit smilie wearing a pancake? :pancake:

Mine are scratched into a stone with another sharper stone! =D
Mine look like they are scratched into stone with a very dull stone!

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