Lesson Learned- May Cost Me a Good Doe.

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Keep her quiet and "alone" if possible. Given time, the broken leg will knit and heal. It may be a shade "off-kelter", but she'll be able to use it nonetheless. Two to three weeks should be sufficient for her leg to start mending well.

good luck.

MSD, when I had the dog incident, one of the juniors had a seperated shoulder. The vet didn't prescribe any analgesics so I came home and scrounged some downed branches from the weeping willow down the block. ALL the bunnies ate the willow leaves! I also gave branches of American Elm which also has a mild pain relieving quality. Between the two of them, it should help with any swelling and/or pain.

I am surprised at how well the shoulder has healed. I am going to test it for range of motion next weekend (one month since incident).<br /><br />__________ Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:05 pm __________<br /><br />Good luck to Jasper for healing well and thoroughly!
Thanks for the suggestions, Ann Claire. :) I hope your baby will heal up fully. Poor brave little bunny!

Jasper chewed the splints off, and I haven't redone them. She is doing well otherwise- I am baffled. I gave her a very poor prognosis, and was calling myself a yellow bellied coward for not culling her right off... and here she is, happily munching away on weeds, and hopping eagerly to the cage door every day. :shock:

Thanks MSD ... Lucky seems to be doing quite well!

Don't beat yourself up so badly :) Prey animals heal remarkably fast and it sounds like Jasper is well on the way to a good recovery!
Glad she's doing good! Sounds like she's gonna be just fine.
I am happy to report that Jasper has healed- she is not lame, and her leg is in its normal position. :p

MaggieJ mentioned in the chatbox that it might be dislocated. I was doubtful at the time, but that may explain it. I don't know how it would have knitted together in the proper position otherwise!

It was her right rear leg, and as you can see, it looks perfectly normal!


It taught me another lesson by default- don't rush to cull due to an injury!

I truly thought she was doomed- her leg was at an angle, with the inside of her hock flat on the wire. I was worried that it would heal that way and cause pressure sores, which would mean I had to ultimately cull her. I am so thankful that she recovered fully... and very amazed!