Leaving bunnies alone for two days/nights?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Riverside County, CA
I have a question: We need to leave for a few nights from Christmas day to around Tuesday. Our bunnies are now living in their new outdoor hutch. Highs and lows for those days/nights is supposed to be 73/41-42 for both days/nights. I won't be here to cover them up every night, but the hutch is covered with wood on 3 sides, with the door fronts made from hardware cloth and wood. I have open-topped nesting boxes filled with pine shavings and hay for both of them, and obviously I'll make sure they have enough food/water. What else should I be thinking of to make sure they'll be ok for two nights?
I would think they should be fine. Could you have a driving rain? That would be my concern, however it sounds like you have them in a good shelter and they can move away from the front so they should be fine. We have done double water bottles and extra food and left ours and they were fine.
We have a neighbor that we could call for reassurance but that was all we did.
It sounds like they will be just fine. We've had nights in the mid-twenties here, and the buns are happy as larks, so don't worry about covering them up. My only worry would be about their water failing somehow, but I'm paranoid that way. Could you have a neighbor check them daily just to be safe?
No chance of driving rain I don't think, or any rain at all. The weather is peachy for the next few days. :) Even if there was rain, their hutch is 3 feet deep, so they would be able to head to the back of their "room" into their nesting boxes. :)

I'm working on seeing if my daughter's best friend (14yo) here to check their food, water and general well-being for our reassurance. I figured they'd be ok, but I'm a worried mama, you know. :)

May I ask, how much water would be reasonable to leave for them to last from Sunday to Tuesday?
We are having beautiful weather, aren't we?

I'm not sure how much water they go through- I have an automatic water system... but base it on how often you refill their bottles/crocks and go from there with an extra day figured in to be safe.
I fill a crock every 12 hours but your buns are smaller than mine. :)<br /><br />__________ Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:34 pm __________<br /><br />Have a great time and a Merry Christmas, Kristi!
Well, really if you are leaving Sunday and coming back Tuesday that is really just one day that they wont be fed and watered. you can feed/water them Sun before you leave and feed/water them Tuesday when you return. When we left town, I had someone taking care of our rabbits every other day. If you have a crock or some extra coffee cups you could zip-tie to the cage for extra water, they should be fine.
Thanks everyone, for putting me at ease about this. I think we've got things the way we need them to be so I can feel like they are safe and taken care of. :)

Merry Christmas everyone!