Late Onset of DM Gene? Update :(

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2011
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Well, apparently I have a DM Jersey Wooly.

Strange that it appeared when she was a Senior. :?


And yes, for the record, it is on both sides:


Could it be related to this? :thinking:



So, obviously, I am on popple watch here. :roll:

I have had to keep re-bedding Summit's nest. She keeps removing the shavings and hay, but I now know why- she wants a nest made up only of fur!

She ripped out all of her fur yesterday, and today is day 32. Hopefully she will have them this morning, and God willing, she will stop denuding herself.
looks like you have a little strip artist on your hands. LOL
at least you know she is willing and able to pull enough fur.
Yeah... she is getting really risque now- her entire belly is bald, and more fur is gone from her body. :shock:

I'm a bit worried about leaving her outside. She barely has any fur left at all.
Oh my! :eek: She wants to come live with me! :p Such an adorable little bunny!

That is a lot of hair missing! The popples will have a very nice bed! :p
Hope you get lots of popples soon! :)
My lord. When our LH doe moonpie kindled she pulled out a massive amount of fur, at least I thought so till I seen your pictures.
Be wary over temp changes, lost my doe who pulled all her fur off when it got cold that night.

Also, what brand and where did you get those feeders? It looks like a solid section of metal that had holes drilled into it...
ChickiesnBunnies":2yctpedr said:
Be wary over temp changes, lost my doe who pulled all her fur off when it got cold that night.

Hmm... I better put some more plastic on the front of her cage then.

ChickiesnBunnies":2yctpedr said:
Also, what brand and where did you get those feeders?

I bought them at a show, I believe from KW Cages. They are Siftomatic brand. I will try to find the receipt.

I really like them for outdoor hutches because the vertical portion of the back is solid- only the angled parts are perforated- so the feed isn't as likely to get wet.

Here is a pic of the perforated portions:


Here is what poor Summit looks like now, and still no popples:

Gah! Someone needs a sweater! Or is she wearing a toupee?
Are you removing all the hair she keeps adding? That seemed to make my doe pull even more fur. Might help to just leave it all over stuffed until a few days after the kits arrive.
WOW! She's taking this job seriously! lol. Someone knit that bun a sweater!
Oh my goodness! I thought my doe had pulled a lot of fur but yours has far exceeded that amount. Sending an early congratulations your way. Hopefully in the morning you will awake to a nest full of babies.
Wow. Maybe she Nevers wants to do the pregnancy thing again, and figures the back won't be attracted to a bald bunny.
Wow :D I have never seen anything like that. She keeps that up and she will have a Mohawk. Klubertanz has those feeders too.
i think we need to see the nest now!

note to self... end all random thoughts of what hairless buns would look like! repeat, ABORT THOUGHTS OF IT!!! xD
ohiogoatgirl":36nqn83l said:
i think we need to see the nest now!

At this point, it is just a thick mat of fur. She hasn't fluffed it at all.

Maybe she wants to felt it so she can make herself a jacket. :?


I want popples, and I want them NOW!

:popcorn:<br /><br />__________ Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:08 am __________<br /><br />This morning Summit was straining to give birth (on the wire), so I rushed back to the house and got a bowl of hot water and some cloths to apply as a warm compress to her nether regions, as well as some non-spermicidal sterile lubricating jelly (doing AI at a local ranch has its perks!), and when I got back outside, she had delivered one very large dead kit.

I think she denuded herself for nothing... she started eating her Tums afterwards, and I brought her some parsley but she just nibbled a little.

If she doesn't deliver any more kits by tomorrow, I am going to breed her back to Prodige. Hopefully my other JW doe Showoff will be ready to breed at the same time, but if not, I'm sure I can find a Rex that is ready.
Oh, I'm sorry she lost a kit, especially after pulling all that fur out :shock: , she apparently was looking forward to kits.

Hopefully next litter goes better for her.

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