Labored Breathing....

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Oliver is still having labored breathing since the incident on Friday. He does calm down and breathes normal but any stimulation causes him to start the wierd breathing again.(not panting, just can see his sides moving, and if he is sitting it will sometimes 'rock' him a little)

Since Friday he did not really have a stress free time until last night and today. After we got him last night I had him in his cage and had a towel over it, I gave him fresh food and water today, a little dandelions and covered him back up... Today was the first time I saw him eat since Thursday. He took some coconut shavings from me, and did eat some of the dandelions. He also drank a little today too. He didn't eat at all, and barely drank yesterday.

I am just worried about him and am wondering how long before he returns to normal?

Is there anything I can do to help him more?? Or anything I am doing I should stop?
Keep him nice and quiet. The towel is a good idea if it seems to make him feel safe... and as long as it does not make him too warm. You could try some soft gentle music. Some rabbits love it and it helps them relax. But do observe his reaction because he sure does not need any more stress. Sure hope he's going to be okay.
He seems to have lost some weight... I just got him to eat a little more coconut(hoping the sugar might give him a little energy), and he just drank a little bit. He is going to need some nursing. I am worried about him being dehydrated.... Is there a way to help him get more hydrated without taking him to a vet(can't take him anywhere until tomorrow)
In addition to his regular water, you can offer him weak black or chamomile tea or water with a bit of apple juice or blackstrap molasses added... something to entice him to drink more. You must continue his regular water crock or bottle as well. If you know how to do it, sterile water can be injected under the skin... but I really can't advise you on it because I have only heard of it being done. I think Terry (Frosted Rabbits) or Ladysown could instruct you on this.
Add some B Complex vitamins, if at all possible--If you can't find liquid, Crush a tablet, then soak/dissolve in some water for a couple hours-- strain out the solids, add water to drinking water OR--- get some Propel water-- Orange flavor was always sucked up by mine!
Don't have the vitamins, going to give him some propel today. He is definitely more alert, he is eating and he has urinated in his litter box overnight... He is still breathing fast though, but still looking a ton better... he is still kept in a seperate corner, but I am lifting the towel up a little to give him a couple hours of light, then I will drop it back down and let him rest.
I let him out of his cage to run around the living room, and he is having a blast. He still hasn't stopped the breathing wierd but he was playing, so that is encouraging. I am going to get some chamomile tea for him today, as well as some oats... He is gonna be getting babied for a while....