kits out of the nest box

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
South Mississippi
I went out this morning to check on the new mama and found the old mama has kits out of the nest box. They are born on the 16th. they couldnt hop back in so I booted all of them out and gave them a cardboard box turned upside down for shelter. The immediately started eating moms collards, and grain mix. Should I just make sure there is a feeder with kitchen oatmeal in it so they dont get poopy butt?
I would try and limit the amount of mama's food they can get. Oatmeal it's self wont prevent poopy butt. Some timothy hay might help, also if they do get some poopy butt from the greens plain yogurt can help.
Mine get out early too and eat the moms greens and hay. Never had a problem with them but I think putting some outmeal flakes in with them won't hurt.
They are eating hay as well. It was like ohh wow this is new and yummy. they swarmed her green and she look startled by it. I'll keep watching and give them yogurt bites if I notice anything.
No cause for alarm. At this point they may look like they are gobbling the greens and hay but they are really only nibbling. This is the nice thing about natural feeding... You start off as you mean to continue and everyone adapts. The problems occur when one offers green feed to young rabbits who have not had it in infancy... They have not developed the proper gut flora to deal with it... and may therefore develop poopy butt or bloating.

An alternative to removing the nest box is to provide a step at the lower end - a brick works well - so they can get back into the nest. Depending on the temperatures and your inclination, it can be a useful thing to do.
One other thing, just make sure mom is definitely getting enough to eat. Even though the kits aren't eating all that much, there are a few of them and a few mouths add up quickly, plus as they grow they eat more. If necessary take the mom out and give her some food by herself.