well the rabbits around here won’t breed if their bred.
I"m not sure what you mean. Won't breed if their bred....
Do you mean
1. that once bred you get no kits
2. that they simply won't lift when exposed to a buck?
If it's the former... you either have fat does or an infertile buck. OR old does that are infertile.
if it's the latter, you have a whole different kettle of fish and you need to figure out why the does aren't lifting.
1. are they fat?
2. are they old and no longer fertile
3. are they getting an appropriate diet?
4. is the weather and light factors what they need to want to breed?
5. Do you need to take them on a car ride down a bumpy road? (seriously, this has worked for more people than I can shake a stick at).
6. do they need some type of supplement to encourage breeding: such as apple cider vinegar in their water?
THOSE are the questions you need to answer before you start thinking about how to "test a breeding" .