Another kit dead. One of South's 2 month olds. That's 5 today. I think I had an escapee, too. I don't even remember how many kits each doe should have at this point.
__________ Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:02 pm __________
We have SOMETHING diagnosed in one of the animals.
Rat Dog has "lung flukes." The vet said he'd never seen them before.
They can also develop to maturity in ectopic sites, particularly in the brain, where they may cause epilepsy, focal paresis and other signs of space-occupying lesions. Pulmonary paragonimiasis may produce clinical symptoms similar to or be associated with active tuberculosis.
We're having a fecal done on the rabbits in the morning.<br /><br />__________ Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:11 pm __________<br /><br />We scrubbed all the cages and cleaned all the dishes. Moved everyone into the garage for ease of medication. Processed my pretty gray buck *cry*. He started biting. When I opened him up, perfect organs but HUGE gallbladder and soft feces. Also, a lot of gas in his intestines. No wonder he got aggressive.
Lost another one of South's. She only has 3 now. I identified it as the next victim before it went. Got very lethargic, acted like it was trying to poop but no poop came. Roughly 2 hours later the seizing started while we were prcessing the gray buck. The seizing stopped after a few minutes, so we assumed it was dead. Nope, it lingered for another 20. We euth'd the poor thing.
The only common denominator has been the gas and the gallbladder. It's worse/bigger in some than others, just present/enlarged in all of them.
South has 3
Minnow has 4
Mrs Howell has 3
Pepper has 6
I had 28 kits and 3 grow-outs. Now I have 16 kits and no grow-outs.