Kintraks help

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Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
I know some here raved about how easy Kintraks is, but I'm having a devil of a time. How do you get the program to enter correct dates for kindling/weaning? When I enter a mating, it puts that date in all colums. Yes, I can change it, but isn't it supposed to be a reminder when to put the nestbox in and when to wean depending of the breeding/kindling date? Thanks for any help!! Judith
Have you put in the days you expect weaning/kindling/etc. to take? otherwise it will say 0 days so will enter the same date. Can't remember where you enter that, offhand. and i'm on a different computer than kintraks is, atm<br /><br />__________ Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:10 pm __________<br /><br />ah. there's a "settings" button I think it is...on the toolbar. go through all those pages and enter data for overall stuff.
when you set up your database you're supposed to enter all that stuff once.

Date to kindle, date to put in nestbox, date to wean and what not. Do this once and then done.

Then every time you open kintraks it will open up on the "to do list" page.

You can email what's his name...hold on I'll get that for you
Craig at [email protected]
I've always found him quite helpful.
Thanks! I went to the "settings" - but only saw the one page. I think my old eyes don't pick up all they should any more. It worked just as it should. Thanks again. I have two litters, one from my original doe, and finally one from her daughter. Both small litters, 6 and 5. but with the incredibly cold winter, I'm pleased that they were able to keep those alive. They each are raising 4. My building is enclosed, but it was below zero every day for weeks, and I have no way of heating it. I'm gone too many hours of the day to bring them inside, so surrounded the nest boxes with hay, double layers of cardboard inside, as well as the hay and hair. It worked pretty well, but will have to find some solutions before next winter. Judith
Always glad to help :) (and they make those darn buttons WAY to small on programs...)

Sounds like your does are doing well. Remember to insulate UNDER the nestbox area, too. They seem to burrow down into the nest to get warm...and then end up on the floor of the nestbox, which is usually right next to the outside air temp. :(