kill option

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My personal opinion is that it is more humane to stun the rabbit first if one does not use a method that "instantly" kills the animal. The broomstick/karate chop method does this... so does a pellet gun etc. While the "guillotine" method is certainly a way... even a few minutes of pain is more than I find acceptable if there is a more instantaneous way.

People using a method incorrectly does not mean that method itself is bad.

I believe that the animal deserves to be stunned unconscious or killed immediately. It can then be attended to as needed as far as blood letting.
Have any of you seen a "kill board?" It is a board with a slot in it that you put the rabbits neck in, and then pull the hind legs down and then to the side. I saw it on YouTube. I am not well versed in killing rabbits. No bunnies yet. Hubby says when he used to hunt, he would just hit them in the back of the neck. I won't even try that. I tried to wring a chicken's neck once, and after three or four attempts it was lying down just looking at me like I was an idiot. I went and got the hatchet...poor thing. When we get to the point of sending them to freezer camp, I will do it. IF I can find a method I am comfortable with. I will not allow one to suffer. Too cruel.
I'll never look at schools paper cutter the same way again...

I believe it would easily cut the head and I don't think the method would be cruel if you just place the rabbit on the table, hold it still calmly and chop the head with a swift move.

I'll still whack the top of the head though (between eyes and ears) and bleed them. Hitting the right spot it doesn't take much force.. after what I've been told. Havn't tried any method yet to be honest, waiting for my first litter..
Some reptile owners use gas chambers to kill rats before feeding them. I would think you could build one to put down several rabbits at one if needed and with the right gas would be painless.

About gas, you need to buy the gas, and since it's heavier than air it will stay in the bottom of a bucket or the like. Give a small amount untill the animal pass out, and then make it stronger so they die. Let them lie long enough in it to really be dead. If you give them a lethal dose immediatly they'll feel awful angst while they suffocate slowly.

In sweden, it's not recommended to do it to animals a rabbit size and larger since the method/result is very insecure (they may wake up even if you think you've given them more than enough. Rabbits and larger animals are not concidered dead untill you bleed them anyhow. The gas used is CO2. (not CO since that's dangerous for handlers and everyone else too)
I remember we had a thread on here about gas a long time ago, and that was what was said about it. The results are inconsistent, and a stress-free go-to-sleep death is not what always happens.