Kids these days... Is there any hope?

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skysthelimit":2t7zepnz said:
It would be a breathe of fresh air to have some mannerly, hardworking youth around,might restore my faith in the future.

I sure wish they could visit! They could cook your rabbit for you, so you could finally have some instead of feeding it all to the dogs! :dinner:

dayna":2t7zepnz said:
They sound like lovely offspring! What a fabulous dinner. :)

Thanks- they are pretty neat, I must admit. Dinner was incredible. :)

Marinea":2t7zepnz said:
I'm not sure how it happened, but my invitation to dinner MUST have been misplaced :p *waits patiently for another invite*

Darn it! We transposed your zip code! The next one is in the mail...

Marinea":2t7zepnz said:
Children are so often a reflection of their parents and upbringing. Sounds like the case here to me.

Aww. :oops: I think they are just good people. :) But I have always felt that way, and people (no matter the age) tend to live up (or down) to your expectations.

We have never "talked down" to our kids, instead treating them like visitors to a foreign country who just didn't know all of the societal rules. When taking them into new situations from toddler-hood on, we always tried to give them an idea of what was considered appropriate behavior.

mystang89":2t7zepnz said:
Yeah, well...well....2 of my kids give me poopy diapers and the other 3 give me headaches! So ha! Beat that....

:lol: Been there, done that! :p

I know you have a lot more younguns very close in age than I had to deal with, but let them "help" you now even if it makes more work for you. Little kids want to help, even if they botch the job... whereas older ones tend to feel put upon when asked to do something if they have never had to help out before.

Colliepup started cooking when he was about 2-1/2 years old. He had me write down his first recipe when he was three. Look at him now- able to build a fire, wait for the coals to get just right, and BBQ a rabbit with absolutely no help or supervision.

I think that is pretty impressive, and something that most people would say a kid of that age isn't capable of.

Miss M":2t7zepnz said:
WOW! :p You can truly look at them and know that y'all are doing a wonderful job as parents. :)

Or that they are doing a wonderful job as children! :mrgreen:

CWD":2t7zepnz said:
when ever they want they can have free run in my kitchen. LOL

Watch out! They may take you up on that, especially if you have any nifty kitchen appliances that we don't! :p

countrymomma1991":2t7zepnz said:
The food looks great!! and brag away momma!! Its good to know people are raising their babies right :)
AnnClaire":2t7zepnz said:
Wonderful offspring you and hubby have raised!!!
zee":2t7zepnz said:


dragonladyleanne":2t7zepnz said:
Lovely nicknames for lovely kids!

Those are their internet code names. :sneaky2:

dragonladyleanne":2t7zepnz said:
the thing that makes me proudest of them is . . . they all LIKE each other!

Something we have always stressed to our kids is that someday we will be gone, and friends come and go, but they will always have each other... so they need to treat each other with respect and kindness.

Funny story- Firstpup and Queenpup were role players in scenario training for a class Hubs and I were taking, and they were supposed to be bratty kids. One of the instructors told them to "Just fight like you normally do" which resulted in blank looks. They had to be coached to push each other, pull hair, call each other names, etc. :roll:

Shelbers91":2t7zepnz said:
Feel free to brag some more it also may help my views on the future of some of society. Cuz other then that society seems pretty dreary.

I'm confident that you will raise a nice family of your own someday, Shelbers. :)

OneAcreFarm":2t7zepnz said:
MamaSheepdog":2t7zepnz said:
Frosted Rabbits":2t7zepnz said:
Can I borrow your children?

Rentals only! :money:

Auntie OAF has first dibs! :nana:

But of course, Sistah! :p

Firstpup has no interest in staying in CA when he moves out, and is considering Texas as his future stomping grounds. It would be nice if he could stay with his Auntie OAF as he looks around. :)

fuzzy9":2t7zepnz said:
That's awesome! :D And everything looks so yummy!!

It was! We can't bring ourselves to buy store bought tortilla chips anymore, let alone ice cream. :roll:

MaggieJ":2t7zepnz said:
MSD, your children are awesome... and a tribute to excellent parenting! :)

Thanks! But I think it is just good breeding winning out. :twisted:
It's great to hear a fellow mother talk happily about her offspring. I have a fabulous daughter, who is (this year) half my age. We are best friends.

I treat her respectfully and she treats me respectfully. lol Its nice to hear of others that have similar lifestyle habits!
I hope I make my mother that proud when I cook for her (even if she won't eat rabbit). I'm proud to be taking eggs from my very own hens to her tomorrow when I visit for Passover. I have her to thank for everything I am, and I'm sure your children do as well. It must be wonderful to have such amazing children, and I only hope that when I start a family soon I can do as good a job of parenting as you have!
Soooo.... is it just me MSD, or do you think you will be going out to play with the bunnies more often? :D

Those are GREAT kids, (and they are chalking up to be serious survivalists too; building, make a fire, cook meals & clean up! WOW!) and do you have any kid goats that Colliepup will be firing up the BBQ for? WOW that looks delicious! (And I make my Mother, who loves to cook *right*, sigh when I purposely burn my food, just a little, because I love the blackened parts - and shout "Now THATS good BBQ!") So tell him that's okay - there are some people that think that's the best part :D
Idk how to quote what you said because there is so much but, for what you said to me awe I almost cried. :) I am very happy for you and your family. That's very successful. It's so funny that they had blank stares when the instructor told them to fight like they normally do. Lol ^^
Shelbers91":3eeeh3l5 said:
It's so funny that they had blank stares when the instructor told them to fight like they normally do. Lol ^^
That was funny... my kids had a similar experience once, when someone kidded knowingly about them fighting. Blank looks. :lol: They have their moments, but nobody told them that they're supposed to do it all the time and basically hate each other's guts... that was news to them!

They had another one, when someone asked Bunny-Wan Kenobi what he had asked for for Christmas. Bunny-Wan got this "uhhhhhhh..." look on his face. I finally had to jump in and explain that we encourage our kids NOT to ask for things for Christmas. That way, we get to demonstrate that we've been paying attention all year, figuring out what they might like to have, and they are genuinely surprised Christmas morning. :p

They've learned to do it for others, too. They'll come to me excitedly... "I think I know what Memaw would like! I heard her say this a few months ago...." :D

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