January 8th my 2018 Kia Sportage was stolen and joyridden til the teens abandoned it when it ran out of gas. Thankfully a good citizen saw the abandonment happen and called the police, so it was found within 12 hrs of being stolen. Long story short, the body was not damaged although my window and steering column was wrecked. Three Kia dealerships told me not to bring it to them, they all individually had about 100 cars with the same damage on their lots waiting for parts. Thankfully I have a good mechanic and they've managed to collect all the pieces needed from other sources, and hopefully I will get my car back this week???
Yes, I have had a steering wheel club for the car since November when the first time someone tried to steal it. However, when DH moved the car to street parking, he didn't put the club on.
I'm about to have a kill switch added to the car by the mechanic. I would think that putting the club on will now be a religious experience for those in the house that drive my car once I get it back. I have State Farm and they've not given the mechanic any problems with covering what needs to be repaired, but I imagine they'll hike my insurance shortly.
It's been a long and expensive month.
Yes, I have had a steering wheel club for the car since November when the first time someone tried to steal it. However, when DH moved the car to street parking, he didn't put the club on.

It's been a long and expensive month.