Just one of those days!

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
Amarillo TX
Yesterday was one of those days that made me want to give all you gals & guys a big hug for sharing your rabbit knowledge & adventures!

We had 3 does kindle over the weekend, 2 proven moms & 1 first-timer. First 48 hours were uneventful...good nests & full tummies. And then Dot (the 1st timer) flipped out. Literally. Nestbox was tipped over, nest demolished, kits everywhere :p Thawed 4 of the 6, put the nestbox to rights, returned the kits. Promptly removed the whole shebang when Dot tried to turn it over. Hubby has come home for lunch by now, sizes up the situation & immediately departs for work sans munchies....

I stop to regroup & notice something not right with Hubby's favorite buck. Won't eat banana chip, not drinking either.

Soooo, stash box 'o babies some place safe, call vet, get Jack seen & doctored, get babies fed (by their mother) and still got to the bible study that I teach on time & prepared.

I'm glad you were able to save most of the litter!

What type of nestbox are you using? Would it be possible to drill a couple of holes in it so you can thread a zip tie through and attach it to the cage wire?

If so, I would recommend keeping the kits in a safe place while you see how Dot reacts. She may be a bit late with her nesting instincts kicking in and might continue rearranging her nest, in which case you don't want the kits to be in there.

What were the vet's findings and recommendations regarding Jack?
Jack has congested lungs & a fever. Vet says probably pneumonia. He got a big dose of metacam & we're doing Baytril for 2 weeks.

Dot's really flunking Motherhood 101. Just gave the 2 best marked kits to one of the other does & replaced them with 2 that would likely be snake bunnies. Zip tied the box in a few minutes ago so we shall see!
Just be ready to pull the box back out... she may need it gone for a few days to a week in order for her nesting instincts to quiet down. :roll:

I'm so glad RT was able to come to your aid! :p
Yeah I've had a few who decided to nest after having babies and flung everything all over the place kits included. Luckily all mine were in warm weather so I just kept putting everything back until they quit and only lost the odd kit to injury. Sometimes the hormones just don't line up right especially with first time does.