Just for MSD ;)

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
Reaction score
We were practicing our posing today with the baby jersey woolies. :lol:
Pointed buck is a natural like his mommy just turned 3 weeks old


REW doe still needs a little work

Sweetpea thinks she is a himilayan and hates to pose. lol
She is giving me the stink eye she just turned 5 weeks old

All three
Ack! ACK!

I am not looking, so NOT looking!

I don't care if Sweetpea is giving me the stink-eye/hypnotic stare like her father/uncle/brother/mentor, Sir Pointed Buck... (whoever he is)... I am strong, I will resist! I refuse to be threatened by small woolly animals!
hahaha thanks for the comments! MSD that is Sir Clown Face (named by previous owner( he is the father of all above babies) She learned her stink eye look from the best...
LindseysWoolies":376wtezt said:
MSD that is Sir Clown Face (named by previous owner( he is the father of all above babies)

No wonder I am intimidated. Clowns scare me!

"You vill acquire fuzzy bunnies and laugh at their off-color jokes, MSD, or ve vill hide a bulbous red nose under your pillow."
Its the crazy threatening stink eye clown Daddy bunny. lol Sorry I had a moment and just couldn't help myself.<br /><br />__________ Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:08 pm __________<br /><br />Inspired by
MamaSheepdog":3ktld7i6 said:
"You vill acquire fuzzy bunnies and laugh at their off-color jokes, MSD, or ve vill hide a bulbous red nose under your pillow."
Well, he's not quite a clown, but I can see that he would speak with that villainous corny accent!
The top fuzzy things make me want to crumble and buy fuzzy dwarves. The last fuzzy thing makes me want to scream in horror and hide under the bed. Where did you find that thing anyways?!?!