Judging a Doe's Readiness and Breeding Tips

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This is great information. We have a 1 yr 2 month old female Holland Lop and we decided to allow our daughter to get a male recently, and breed them for pets. We bought our male from a local breeder (he is supposedly 4), who had maybe 30 other rabbits and used wire cages, and brought him home to our backyard with a wooden cage . We put them together the next day (I had read they can always be "ready" to some extent, and without pictures its difficult to know exactly what you are looking FOR, so we just went for it). He knew exactly what to do when we put her in his cage, mounted her and did his thing but we never saw her lift. So we took her out and repeated the process later. The second time he seemed to have a better grip and I noticed him biting her in an effort to get her to lift , but I could not tell if she actually lifted (I was looking at them head on) and also didn't notice if he fell off..........he may have but if so it was really quick. I really don't think they did everything necessary to get pregnant, so the past couple of days I have tried putting them together again in the mornings. It has been colder but we live in TX so never freezing or below, no snow, and he has had a few more days to get used to the food we feed and our place, but he has shown 0 interest. He just kind of sits there. She is a little aggressive but I don't think she has hurt him at all-I cant figure out why he's not trying to breed her like he was the first couple of times. I have tried apple cider vinegar (read it may take a week or so) and we will try swapping their pens for the night to see if that helps, but does anyone have experience like this? What would cause him to be uninterested? Thank you for the detailed pics-now I know to look for that before putting them together again, as she has looked like the first picture every time I have checked the past few days...ALSO-the breeder I purchased him from said she pets him but doesn't hold him a lot because she wants to make sure he does his job. Are there really steps you take with both Bucks and Does to make sure they stay ready to mate? We have also let him out to exercise (something he enjoyed a lot and I feel is good for him) but if that's going to make him uninterested in breeding I could quit allowing him some of his perks during the times im expecting him to breed.......
Your buck may have gotten the job done. Different bucks will display their accomplishments in varying degrees. I have one buck that gets it done and immediately goes about his business. I have another that I'm thinking of renaming "Screamer". When he's finished he's practically on his back with legs in the air and screaming like he's about to be killed! Others will display something like temporary paralysis. Still others are more textbook in their response.

Watch your doe. If she doesn't want to mate, it may be because she "knows" she doesn't need to. Make note of their first "date" and have the nest box ready for her 28 days after that date. On first time mothers, I like to be certain the nest box is in a little early just in case she gives birth a day or two early.

Fingers crossed.
Yes I plan to use that as the possible date for sure. I have watched a lot of bunny porn on YouTube and I think I know what to look for as far as how they should breed but maybe not:). My doe is always territorial and grouchy when we get her from her cage, so I'll look for other changes as time goes on......is it possible he know he got the job done and that's why he's not interested anymore? And I think she has a swollen scent gland.....may have to get that checked by the vet or see what is recommended to get treat it at home.....
I was kinda thinking the other way around - the doe wasn't interested or telling him to back off because she "knew"...and he was smart enough to pick up on it and leave her alone. That's the way it was with one pair I had. I was sure he hadn't gotten the job done and kept taking her back and then finally just gave up. Next thing I knew, she was showing all the signs (well, her signs) of being pregnant. I'll know for sure on the 9th.
That could be too-he may be really good at understanding her signals and I just don't know it. He did sniff her a few times and she has lunged at him and bit him, so maybe he realized that she wasn't having it and didn't even try. He chased her a bit too-just never even attempted to get on top of her or mount the just kind of hung out in the corner of his cage........thanks for explaining that. Even if she isn't pregnant she may think she is. I just assumed because it's only been a few days (4 to be exact) that she would be receptive and so would he. We will watch and see-hoping for babies in about a month! I would still love to hear from anyone about their breeding experiences, what you have noticed, and what the outcomes were:) It seems so strange to me that he would be ready to mate right away and now not want too....
That was really helpful information and I appreciated the visuals to go along with it! I am a visual and hands on learner. Thanks very much!
Lightnin1960":bc1yk5ft said:
I've got a doe that it's swollen and got some purple there and she still acts like she don't want nothing to do with the buck. I change bucks the second one did his job but she still didn't lift her butt up for him. I've had litters with her of 9 and 10 kits before... I put her in there with him this morning and then again tonight and going to put her back in there in the morning again.... don't know what to do. This is the 3rd month I've tried doing this but the first time trying to do it with the color... you try to help the buck out and he just looks at you like this ain't no 3 some.. get out and close the door...

Been having the same issue with my doe. :shrug:
She doesn't look quite ready, but you can try her with the buck anyway. Sometimes that will speed them along. She looks like she will be receptive in a day or two.
I put her in with the boys, that gave her parts sniff, or two then they all laid down together. I have one buck who has 1 testicle that I am not sure if it has fully dropped yet. One time I check they're both there, then the next time it's sort of tucked back in.

This is not fair waiting anymore. I am ready for baby fur balls, and ready to stack my freezer!! I am going to be so unhappy if I miss this chance to breed, because my buck has a shy testicle!
Even mature bucks will retract their testes. They do it under stress or when it is cold out.

some details would help :)
What did you try, how do they live, how old are they?

And - one very common problem, even with rather experienced people - are you really sure it's a buck and a doe?
Have you let them try in an exercise pen outside? That's what works for mine when they aren't feeling it......and sometimes it takes a couple trys.
macksmom98":3g0mdida said:
Have you let them try in an exercise pen outside? That's what works for mine when they aren't feeling it......and sometimes it takes a couple trys.

Macksmom98........... We never heard how your story ended from February???? Was she pregnant? How many did she have??? Details.............. :)
I may have not posted it here, but I did post pics! She went thru a false pregnancy, I rebred her on day 20 (which was in March), then she had kits on 4/11 and 4/12. That's right, they were actually born on 2 different days! We felt extremely lucky. On Saturday in the afternoon we saw she had 2 good sized babies. Tried not to disturb her much but just thought that was it because I had heard they usually kindle quickly. We can home from church the next day to find her with 5 more! One was really stretched and another chewed and dead under the cage, so we ended up with 5. She was a great first time mom at 18
Months old, and nursed her last one til about 20 weeks until I realized she was still allowing it to get under her (and that had become really funny looking) and I separated them. Then the hot summer hit and we took a break as I didn't want her to have to deal with the extra stress of being pregnant. Now it's prime season for us, and we are hoping to get going after dealing with heat sterility. We purchased more and are hoping they are all 3 pregnant, but nothing yet. Still waiting, due any day and one of them is her.....thanks for asking!

-- Sun Oct 25, 2015 5:30 pm --

Here they are! We kept the black tort doe:)

I have a question. What do the does area look like during pregnancy and what does it look like when they are about to kindle? Anyone have any pics? If there are visible changed, maybe someone could do another sticky? ;)

Ty :)

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