Journey into quail

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That’s great! We have some of our own Coturnix quail and they’re such prolific layers. They’re really amazing birds for how small they are. A while ago we had around seven ducks. Since we were getting so many duck eggs we decided to sell them and found that a lot of the people we sold them to were allergic to chicken eggs but not duck eggs. Have you tried duck eggs?
I'm not allergic to any eggs but if you give me a choice I will pick duck eggs every time. They're so much richer that any others.
@Celeste5 I have not tried duck eggs as the duck, geese, and turkey feathers themselves along with the chicken feathers send me to the hospital. That is why we started with me touching a feather of the quail first. But if I was not allergic I totally would get duck eggs from my neighbor who has several ducks.

@Alaska Satin I have plenty of water bottles left over from when I used them for the rabbits before I went to the automatic watering system. I will have to see if I can get them switched over. Though I am planning on getting the watering cups for them soon so I can add those to the already established system.

My girls gave me 9 eggs yesterday. I so cannot wait till all my hens are laying. It will be an awesome thing. This is because if I get overwhelmed with eggs I know that I can share the extras with our church for the community outreach program. I already have some people who are very happy to take my extra roosters to make quail pot pie with. Well the extra that don't fit into my own freezer that is lol.

A picture of some of the new babies. They hatched on the 12th.


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