joined the ARBA and registered the rabbitry/ lots going on!

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
North Idaho
feeling more official now! Joined the ARBA finally, and registered my rabbitry. I went with the name Drapeau's Lapins (pending approval). sounded a little more sedate than Boundary Bunny Co. lol. and Cody and I are of French Canadian descent, so it just made sense. pretty pleased with my self! We are moving some of the rabbits to our woodshed/addition on the shop. It's got a metal roof and one metal siding wall, but the other three sides are screen. Hoping for better ventilation for the summer months. temporarily we put up tarps to block some of the sun. We used it as a wood shed, but I think the previous owners had an aviary in there, they raised exotic fowl along with Alpacas).
also added more cages to our setup today. some of our second hand cages are a little shabby, so we are building and purchasing new ones as we can. contemplating taking my SF buck, Mowgli, to our first show May 19.
11 does due May 9, four or five are already carrying hay, including my SF doe, Licorice. Changing our feeding program to include more greens, the rabbits are loving it.
Three litters of meat rabbits are growing like crazy. one litter is a month old, two litters are 5 weeks. soon we will be finishing up the rabbit exercise area. we fenced in a large portion of the old garden, where there is a lot of clover and grass growing. Just have to put smaller wire around the bottom to provide extra safety. Shannon