I've almost made my saddle! :D

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2012
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I've been working on a treeless saddle for a while now (all winter) and it's pretty much finished :) All I need to do is to flock the panels properly - they're half flocked now - and then it's good to use!
I've made it pretty much from scratch. I got a nice piece of leather, cut out the shapes, fixed the edges, dyed it, made the pattern, sewn it all together and even washed and cobed the sheepswhool I use for the panel flocking! What I have not made from scratch is part of the seat which I took from an old chezz iberico saddle, ad a piece of leather in the middle of the construction which I used and re-vamped because I don't have anything stiff enoufgh with the right qualities to stabilize the saddle.
I've put my own twist on it - the design of the flaps and adding double stirrup rings so I can chose where I want my stirrups to be placed, and changed the cut a bit ad such.

I'm proud of it :)
Now I need to start to ride my horse so he gets some muscle again :p

Very nice! It's cool to see the differences in things like saddles between the US & Sweden. I'd never be brave enough to try to make something like that. It looks like you've done a good job!
The horse, however, doesn't look too excited at the prospect of spring....and riding season....
hehe, most people in sweden use regular english/dressage/jumping/allround saddles. Some use western saddles.. but the iberic-ish saddles are special. Most people have never seen them.

hm.. that's probably just how he looked at the moment, he likes to get out and work. But they were hitching our other horse up to the wagon (we're selling it so it was buyers there) and he was a bit anxious about all the people and such. And he think it's boring that I always take my camera out :lol:
Nice job, Zab!!! Nothing like making your own customized equipment!
That is AWESOME!!!!!!! You did a great job, and you should be very proud!!!

Hey........can we see some pics of the horse and cart too please? :D I love driving horses, and I can just see it in the background. Looks like some type of draft, or a draft cross? You can start another thread if you want, so we don't take away from this one about your beautiful saddle.
Two more saddle pictures; I rode it today and oth I and Crow seemed to like it. H needs to get out more though, everything was scary :lol: But the saddle didn't bother him, and he raised his back nicely in it (once it was clear that we were going out on the trail). I felt like I got into a nce position too. I did shorten my stirrups though.. and it sure felt strange to ride in a saddle after all this tme :lol:



As for the draft and the carriage, it's my dads horse Dacke. He's a northswedish draft horse.
An older picture of the horse, the wagon (which got sold yesterday) and my dadand grandmother :)

Dacke and me, showing off a riding skirt I made.

Dacke and one of the other carts.

Out driving:

My viking friend riding Dacke bareback and sidesaddle :lol:

My dad and Dacke out on a trail:

Dad riding Dacke. He always ride bareback nowadays.

Dacke was also the horse I ''learnt'' to ride after my accident where I broke my wrist. I was afraid of just sitting on a horse, even one as quiet and gentle as him. (hehe, you can see how tense I am)

If you're into driving you may like the picture of Solon, a neglected icelandic colt I bought (by mistake :lol:) at an action. Only keot him 1,5 year since. well it just didn't click. But I taught him the basics in pulling a cart, since it was good excercise. I don't really drive though, not my cup of tea. He was sold to a tour-riding centre nearby. I think he's happy there, it was nice peole and he's a horse that likes to work a lot and doesn't much care what the person next to him say, as long as he can do his job. So I bet he's a good beginner/tour horse, not easily spooked.

I LOVE YOUR SADDLE!!! I used to be really into the Model Horse Hobby (tiny plastic horses that people make accurate and to scale tack for) and it is hard enough to design your own pattern and make a realistic looking saddle that is 2" - let along a REAL full size usable saddle - WOW!!! :D

How very neat that it is a rare type too. And LOVELY lovely pictures!!
And your photo of the Driving Dacke view - takes my breath away. What a lovely scene!
Hehe thank you :)

I imagine it to be more difficult to make a tiny saddle than a full size. :)
The Dacke view is Just Outside my house. Right how it's all grey and dull...

(written on my phone)
First off.........I REALLY want to live in Sweden right now!!! :D Second, man, Dacke is beautiful, I'd love to own him!! He looks like a really calm, docile soul. I also like the pony, and it seems you did very well training him!!
Very creative :) I went to Denmark when I was 13, I put lots of miles on my Moms friends horses.
It is a beauitful place, we even went through Sweden, my Dad is from Bornholm.

That icelandic pony is so cute. I'm glad you bought him and he has a place where he gets put to work :)

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