It has now happened to us

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Heritage Homestead

Well-known member
Mar 29, 2012
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I've read many stories about people just showing up without making an appointment, but it just happened here for the first time. I thought I'd share it with you all.

Well, someone called yesterday and wanted to come see the sheep for sale. Okay, no problem. They were coming from 3 hours and were leaving right away. So, we started to move the sheep in from the pasture up to near the house. Then it began to rain. Pretty hard. :x We finally got them moved and everything set up and went inside to change since everyone was soaking wet.
We have got to get the new winter shelter and paddock set up. :roll:
And they never showed up. :shock: Didn’t even call. This is the only part of the story that makes me think it would be better in the hopping mad section. We moved those sheep all the way to the other side of the property in the rain all for nothing! :evil: And it isn’t the easiest set up to move a long distance.
Well, then they call this morning! Some of the kids were sick over the weekend so we didn’t go to church. We don’t do business on Sundays so we didn’t answer the phone and they didn’t leave a message. About an hour later they called again. Still didn’t leave a message and we didn’t want the phone ringing all day so we turned it on to contacts only (it is a cell phone). About noon they showed up at our door! :shock: Apparently there car had broke down yesterday, but they got it fixed and had come to buy a sheep. Dad told them that we only sell animals by appointment only and we don’t sell any animals on Sunday anyway. Also, the couple was Muslim and was wanted to buy a sheep to use as a sacrifice. We do not sell animals for that use. The lady who called had a strong accent, but I didn’t think anything about it and she didn’t tell me what she wanted the sheep for. I should have asked, but I found it hard to understand her and didn’t take the time to ask. Lesson learned. :oops: Dad explained everything to them and they seemed okay with it all though slightly upset they drove 3 hours for nothing. I find it hard to believe someone would drive that far when they don’t even know if anyone will be home! If it weren’t for the sick children we wouldn’t have been. We would still have been at church.

Well, just thought I’d share that it has now happened to us. Mom thinks we need to add to ur answering machine that we sell animals by appointment only. I think that is a good idea. :?
I think you were completely in the right to stick to your guns and NOT change your rules, just because they showed up at your door. Boundaries are a good thing...:)

However, I am curious about the "not selling animals for sacrifice" thing. Not that I in ANY way am trying to say I believe Islam to be correct....because I don't, since I am Christian myself....but, I am curious as to what you think happens when they "sacrifice" an animal? Did you know it really isn't any different than when they normally slaughter an animal in a Halal fashion? The main difference, is what happens to the meat. They don't keep it all for themselves.

Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal on Eid al-Adha ?

During the celebration of Eid al-Adha, Muslims commemorate and remember Abraham's trials, by themselves slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. This action is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

Muslims slaughter animals in the same way throughout the year. By saying the name of Allah at the time of slaughter, we are reminded that life is sacred. The meat from the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha is mostly given away to others. One-third is eaten by immediate family and relatives, one-third is given away to friends, and one-third is donated to the poor. The act symbolizes our willingness to give up things that are of benefit to us or close to our hearts. It also symbolizes our willingness to give up some of our own bounties, in order to strengthen ties of friendship and help those who are in need.

Just something to think about....
I thought about the same as OAF. Selling animals for food is the same as selling for religious sacrifice (in Islam, anyway - maybe there are some religions out there that do crazy painful things with sacrificial animals, but Islam isn't one of them). If you won't even sell for food I guess that's a different story...

But yeah, people should know to call. I mean, they called you once to set it up, why couldn't they call when the car broke down? Not that hard. And it always bugs me when people call and don't leave a message! I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number, and certainly not if the number is blocked. If you want to talk to me, you're going to have to leave a message so I can call you back. Not sure what folks are thinking on that one.

SBSF":1rhku53r said:
But yeah, people should know to call. I mean, they called you once to set it up, why couldn't they call when the car broke down? Not that hard. And it always bugs me when people call and don't leave a message! I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number, and certainly not if the number is blocked. If you want to talk to me, you're going to have to leave a message so I can call you back. Not sure what folks are thinking on that one.

You did the right thing, absolutely.

I had some Muslim friends years and years ago... I still would not be comfortable selling my animals for sacrifice.
We believe that we are stewards over the animals that the Lord has entrusted us with. As such we do not wish to sell our animals to people that will use them in a manner that is not pleasing to God. The first of the Ten Commandments is that there are to be no other gods other than Him. Sacrificing to another god would not be pleasing to Him. So we do not sell animals that will be used for that purpose. We of course do not know for sure what happens to the animals after they leave, but for what we do know we feel responsible for.

Hope I explained that well enough. :)
SBSF":1buafkrx said:
I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number, and certainly not if the number is blocked. If you want to talk to me, you're going to have to leave a message so I can call you back.
That is what we do as well. :)
Heritage Homestead":3ti68p7i said:
We believe that we are stewards over the animals that the Lord has entrusted us with. As such we do not wish to sell our animals to people that will use them in a manner that is not pleasing to God. The first of the Ten Commandments is that there are to be no other gods other than Him. Sacrificing to another god would not be pleasing to Him. So we do not sell animals that will be used for that purpose. We of course do not know for sure what happens to the animals after they leave, but for what we do know we feel responsible for.

Hope I explained that well enough. :)

You did indeed and that is a very valid position. Blessings! :D
Frecs":2ok65sd2 said:
Heritage Homestead":2ok65sd2 said:
We believe that we are stewards over the animals that the Lord has entrusted us with. As such we do not wish to sell our animals to people that will use them in a manner that is not pleasing to God. The first of the Ten Commandments is that there are to be no other gods other than Him. Sacrificing to another god would not be pleasing to Him. So we do not sell animals that will be used for that purpose. We of course do not know for sure what happens to the animals after they leave, but for what we do know we feel responsible for.

Hope I explained that well enough. :)

You did indeed and that is a very valid position. Blessings! :D

Absolutely, and that explanation is the only reason you need. Since you did not include an explanation, I just wondered...:) We are a Christian family and I understand your thoughts. I look at it a bit differently, though. To me, this is not a "sacrifice" per se, like the ones practiced in the Old Testament by the Jews, but more of a way to honor Abraham, who is also an ancestor in Christianity. Since we have been closely involved with mission efforts in the Muslim world, I guess I would see it as an opportunity to open communication with them about what they believe and why, and to share with them what we believe and why. That is not something that everyone feels led to do though, and we must all do what we feel led to do by our personal convictions. Hopefully, you won't have random people just showing up on your doorstep again!
OneAcreFarm":2abvf237 said:
SBSF":2abvf237 said:
But yeah, people should know to call. I mean, they called you once to set it up, why couldn't they call when the car broke down? Not that hard. And it always bugs me when people call and don't leave a message! I don't answer the phone if I don't recognize the number, and certainly not if the number is blocked. If you want to talk to me, you're going to have to leave a message so I can call you back. Not sure what folks are thinking on that one.


Ditto. People should ALWAYS call first no matter what type of business, home, or sale is involved.
Heritage Homestead":2m3pgy2l said:
We believe that we are stewards over the animals that the Lord has entrusted us with. As such we do not wish to sell our animals to people that will use them in a manner that is not pleasing to God. The first of the Ten Commandments is that there are to be no other gods other than Him. Sacrificing to another god would not be pleasing to Him. So we do not sell animals that will be used for that purpose. We of course do not know for sure what happens to the animals after they leave, but for what we do know we feel responsible for.

Their god is the God of Abraham
Same God of the old testament and the same God of the Jews and the same that Jesus prayed to.
tailwagging":3iw27vgc said:
Heritage Homestead":3iw27vgc said:
We believe that we are stewards over the animals that the Lord has entrusted us with. As such we do not wish to sell our animals to people that will use them in a manner that is not pleasing to God. The first of the Ten Commandments is that there are to be no other gods other than Him. Sacrificing to another god would not be pleasing to Him. So we do not sell animals that will be used for that purpose. We of course do not know for sure what happens to the animals after they leave, but for what we do know we feel responsible for.

Their god is the God of Abraham
Same God of the old testament and the same God of the Jews and the same that Jesus prayed to.

Actually, that is NOT true. But, this is not a theology forum so I'll stop there.
Yes, let's stop there. There are so many different interpretations of religious beliefs and while such discussions can be fascinating, this is not the place for them.

Homestead Heritage and her family have every right to set their own selling policies, whether you agree with their reasoning or not. She very clearly and concisely set these out for us so that there would be no misunderstanding. Let's leave it at that.
One thing about having people come here, is the worry they will show up unexpected while I am not here or prepared. Like the guy I sold a puppy to, who knows I work as a teacher, comes to the house in the middle of a school day, shouting for me, as if I would be here. then calls the house at 12 am. All this because his wife put him out and he wanted me to go with him ans steal the dog back. I gave him an earful, to say the least. This isn't Walmart, your privacy needs to be respected, and even Walmart has store hours.
I think your family handled the situation very well!

Along with changing your answering machine, It may be a good idea to have a mission statement and/or sales guide for your farm. One that your whole family can take part in writing up :campfire: . Put it in a beautiful frame and hang it by the phone, to glance at when people call for your stock.

Things like that help me lay everything out, make transactions smoother, keeps me in contol of my sale, and less assumptions are made by either me or the buyer.
I am very happy to hear that you did not Sale on Sunday and even when they came over explain to them that you did not.. I think the example you set for them to see was worth the drive.
Thanks everyone. I think my Dad handled it very well. He is really good about sticking to what he has decided no matter what. I usually stick by it as well, but I am not as good as Dad. :) He seems to get his point across far more easily. Wonder if it has something to do with him being a big, somewhat gruff looking man? :? :lol:

I like the idea of hanging the sale policy near the phone. Only problem is that it is a cell phone and we never know where it will be. :shock: I don't know how many times that phone has played hide and seek with us. :lol:

Hopefully we won't have anymore suprise visits. :)