Is this safe for rabbits? Dewormer

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The active ingredient is fenbendazole which is often used to treat pin and other round worms in rabbits. I dont know the dosage for rabbits or if it is safe for pregnant does.
If you were cleaning the poop under the pen, don't automatically assume the rabbit has worms. The worms were likely laid into the poop as eggs and hatched there. I have never, ever seen a rabbit actually poop a live worm like dogs do sometimes.

That said, I would not worm a pregnant or lactating doe.
I am currently treating a rabbit with fenbendazole. I believe the normal dosage is 20mg/kg, but the dosage for wry neck is twice that, and over a long period of time. I don't know what it is for worms.

But yes, like Luvabunny said, the rabbit probably does not have worms. If this was a tray that you cleaned out every day, and you found worms, then it would be safe to figure that the rabbit has worms. Since it's a pen area, the worms are more likely to be fly maggots that were laid in and hatched out in the poo after it was passed.

I did use Ivermectin on a pregnant/nursing doe once.
Sorry it took so long to respond but the worms I found out actually were fly maggots...I hate flies grrrr. However I did purchase the equine safegaurd .I think after my does are done weaning it may be a good idea to worm them all just as a preventative. I could always return it as well since I have not opened it yet.