Is this a scary question?

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2014
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Western NY
I recently was in touch with a local Rex breeder and shower about buying a trio of meat breeders from her. We had set up a time and place to meet, so I could see/buy the rabbits. After confirming that the place and time were fine for me, I asked her this question:
*Just wondering...if you don't mind my asking, is there a reason you wouldn't want us to come to your place? We were just a little interested in seeing your rabbits/setup, since we are starting out with rabbits. We enjoy learning from experienced raisers.....seeing setups, looking at rabbits, and learning how they raise their rabbits. I know a lot of people aren't comfortable with strangers coming around their barns though, so I understand...*
She didn't respond to the question, and when I tried to confirm the meeting the day before it was scheduled, she canceled, saying she was too busy, and would get in touch with me at another time when she had more buns.
Is the question off-putting? Is it logical that she was scared away or does it seem like she is hiding something?
Sometimes I have trouble with saying offensive things and not realizing how offensive they are... :oops:
I personally would not find that offensive or have it raise "red flags", but I live in an agricultural area. Breeders who are in more metropolitan areas with lots of ARA activity would naturally be more cautious.

Some day my open door policy may bite me in the butt, but so far I have not had any problems even when showing my critters to people who come from the city mindset.
While there was nothing inappropriate about asking, I think you likely made the breeder nervous. Maybe she (or someone she knows) has had problems with ARAs in the past and she was worried that you were one of them. Or perhaps she just isn't comfortable with people coming to her house. Or, again, perhaps she is worried you would bring in a disease such as Pasteurella (snuffles).

I think MSD is very brave with her open door policy and I'm glad she has experienced no problems as a result of it. But not everyone feels that comfortable with strangers coming into their rabbitries.
That would be my guess, too... she's concerned about ARAs and you spooked her. There was nothing wrong with your question, but taking a chance on answering it probably made her nervous, and so she just didn't. Sorry about that... I don't know if you can fix it. :(
I won't let anyone I don't know into my rabbitry. I made one exception once and that person immediately started saying things like 'I want to rescue these'. Since it was a friend of Whipples, I made sure Whipple took care of the problem. I will not have my stock harassed or stolen
Thanks for the responses!
I had read that thread about visiting a rabbitry, so I understood that there were legitimate reasons for not allowing people to come to your rabbitry. I was interested in seeing her rabbitry for the same reasons as the original poster on that other thread. (to gauge whether I really want to buy rabbits from her based on how they were kept, their general health, etc)
I tried to reduce the threat by agreeing to meet her at a distant place and not asking that she change plans and allow me to visit her rabbitry, but I guess she was too easily spooked...
Well, I guess I know better for next time... :oops:

*now to see if I can find another Rex breeder not too far away...*
Back in the 1980s... we thought nothing of having visitors to our rabbitry. We luved showing what we had ... the ancestors etc. How we did was a fun and learning experience for both visitor and landowner.

After a 15 year hiatus... we got back into rabbits.... and has the world changed !
The "Rabbits-as-pets-ONLY" contingent has become extremely vocal... demonizing those who raise meat for their families.
There are a multitude of FB groups dedicated to "saving the bunny-wunnies"...and they do not hesitate putting names and addresses out for the public.

People that have dedicated years of their lives to helping Youth learn about rabbits, who have been mentors...have been accused of animal abuse long as a Year after a visit by an AR person. ( one case the person reported the "abuse" right after the local humane society offered a $1000 reward )
The lives of those mentors has been turned inside out by accusations. Financially they are often ruined as lawyers cost money.

What i find so interesting... is it is the huge corporations... H$U$ and A$PCA that continue to spread the notion that "if someone won't let You see.... they Must have something to hide".... Then they offer huge sums of money for people to turn in breeders....

I figure that if i lose a sale... my life will go on... i am not dependent on that tiny sum of money. How my rabbits do for me... giving what i like to have and my reward.

So it is possible that the request to "see" the rabbitry did spook the person. At the least, it gave Them a warning flag to be very cautious.
If people seem quite obviously to want to breed or show I will let them see my rabbits. Pet sales, no. I make up reasons we have to meet at a nearby hotel parking lot that's usually empty.
bikegurl":2zsc8xx5 said:
*Just wondering...if you don't mind my asking, is there a reason you wouldn't want us to come to your place? We were just a little interested in seeing your rabbits/setup, since we are starting out with rabbits. We enjoy learning from experienced raisers.....seeing setups, looking at rabbits, and learning how they raise their rabbits. I know a lot of people aren't comfortable with strangers coming around their barns though, so I understand...*

It would send red flags to me, it sounds like some one looking for some thing wrong, not a new person looking to view my stock or ideas for another rabbitry set up only. Perhaps, next time, just ask if it is possible to view their rabbitry as you're new and trying to get ideas on what will or will not work for your rabbits. If they decline, then ask if they could explain why as you'd like to understand so you can maintain good husbandry yourself (and keep your own rabbits safe). Using words like "wouldn't want us to see" or "you don't have any thing to hide, do you" make set on pins and needles, or at least to me.
You would have made me hesitate but I probably would not have canceled, just gave you a standard bio-security reason for why you couldn't see them.

the closest any person I don't know well gets to my rabbits is my front yard. - the rabbitry can't be seen from that point of view and I don't discuss it other than if I keep my rabbits in my home. "I don't keep them in my home they have their own facility" I'll happily put litters of kits with momma and pop (and sometimes grandparents too) in exercise yards on my front lawn under the trees - and I sit there in my lawn chair until all my business is done and then all the bunnies get marched back to the facility in the backyard. I can see my rabbit facility from my bedroom window and I'm lucky enough that rarely is there nobody at home.

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