Funny you should mention steel. We don't have any steels at all, but have wondered before if the steel gene might be hiding. Most of our babies from my broken opal buck look normal, but we had a really weird litter once...
OK, so when I bought this broken opal, I was told he was a broken blue and was sold a black himi doe to go with him. I knew as soon as I saw him that he was not a broken blue, but he was sharp looking so I bought him anyway. The breeder has of course, fallen off the map and I can't get a hold of him to ask him more questions about this buck. He told me he'd bred that pair together many times and gotten great babies, so I bred them.
I'd never seen an opal in person, so I was kind of thinking he was a broken blue tort. Well, the himi had 4 living babies. A self black, a self blue, a charlie marked that had only blue eye rings, and a blue otter. Now this is obviously impossible...he can't be agouti and father selfs and tans! At first I wrote it off as the blue otter baby being an opal that just hadn't gotten it's rings yet. (It died at around 7 weeks old in a terrible heat wave we had). But, since breeding the same buck to several other does (that are colors that are actually supposed to be bred to opals! LOL) I get lots of otters from him, so I know he carries tan. So, then I thought maybe just the himi gene being mixed with agouti accounted for the weird babies. I've just never been able to figure out exactly what caused that weird litter.
Then my fellow breeder and I were reading about the steel gene and how it can hide and be partially dominant etc. and we've wondered if possibly the broken opal carries it? Oh, and I guess I should mention that Rusty's parents are full siblings out of AWOL, the broken opal. So...what is going on here???