She's due any day now since she was bred by the 10th of June, but yesterday I came home to see Leo chasing her around on the deck below!
My dad think's he's a rabbit expert and does his own thing like continually feeding carrots to all of the bunnies and oat cereal, thankfully it's only done once per day.
Leo's face was smeared what appears to be blood so I immediately put him back into his cage. The NZW doe has light blood stains on her hind legs like she was bitten underneath! (she's still frighten you approach her on the ground, but is lovable back on the hutch as you can see on the video links below)
I showed Leo to my dad and he goes: "that's probably urine from the hutch above.." and mentioned that they were having sex with each other. Gah!
Unfortunately, I'm unable to follow up as I already went out of state and in Iowa right now. (There's a ton of Californians around the Des Moines area!)
I would of taken pictures but I was frustrated and in a hurry to pack for the trip.
Here's a couple of video's I've captured a week ago to get more opinions with the moving stomach.
Non embedded link for video above:
Only odd thing that I've noticed during the suspected pregnancies: She was born in mid January as a "Jr. Buck" but sex change fairy got to him.
-She has not boxed either of us when reaching into her hutch, she has in the past.
-Comes to the door for head scratches and claws the door for attention.
-Discovered the power of her chin and began chinning everything in her cage.