Is she pregnant? (Rabbits make you crazy)

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Jun 14, 2015
Reaction score
Fairmount, Illinois
Okay I am going to try to pack in as much detail as possible. I had bred all my rabbits once a day for 5 days, but I marked down the first actual bred on the calendar. None of the does showed signs of pregnancy, but I gave them boxes anyway. They were all due last week, and none kindled. Now about Oswin the rabbit this post is really about. At day 17 she started to pull fur, but forgot about her nest at day 18-19. So I rebred her around day 20. Gave everyone a box at day 28, and no one seemed to care. I gave up hope, and took out all the boxes. This morning I went to the garage, and noticed that she was digging the crap out of the corner. I opened her cage, and she turned around with a mouthful of hair, and looked frantic! I quickly tossed her box back in the cage, and gave her hay, and started haystacking like mad! She got her box full, starting pulling fur from her dewlap, legs, and hocks. After that she laid in her box for about an hour, breathing hard. Then she jumped out, and acted totally normal for most of the day. We're back in the garage, and I look over, and she is back to pulling fur like crazy. Should I hope for kits?
I would guess she is, by the way she is acting... but there is no way really to know until she gives you some cute little popples!! What day is it, for her?
So what day would this make her? This does sound very promising! But everyone is correct, you won't know till you see kits. Try not to make her more nervous and give her some space, and go slow when you do check on her. If she is pregnant she will likely wait til you aren't looking to have kits anyway, and even if you try you probably won't catch her giving birth. How exciting! I hope this is it, I know you have been trying so hard!
It would be like day 37 today from the very first breed, but again I bred them for 5 days so maybe she caught on one of the other breed days? <br /><br /> -- Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:16 pm -- <br /><br /> She is still pulling fur. There's a mountain in her nestbox!
Don't be suprised if you can't feel much, that's common. Some can, but if you can't doesn't mean she's not pregnant.
Shoot, I tried feeling around o my first doe and couldn't feel anything... she had 11 :lol: Only once have I been able to feel, without a doubt, and that was after she had kindled a few over the course of 24 hours and I could tell there was 1 more.
Also another big difference I am noticing is that her sister has also pulled fur, but it is a tiny amount, she has not displayed any nesting behaviors, and she is still pooping in the nest box. Oswin has built a beautiful nest, pulled a mountain of fur, and has not soiled the nestbox at all! She's just hopping around this morning. Munching on some hay, and pellets, no kits yet.
You said you rebred at day 20 right? If she didn't take the first time what day would that make her from the last breeding?
I would have to go back through my calendar, lol. <br /><br /> -- Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:38 am -- <br /><br /> My calendar is all f*ed up. -_- last time I buy I new laptop in the middle of breeding, haha.

Okay my calendar says from whatever second breeding I marked down for Os she will kindle on the 13th of Nov. Which should put her at day 22 today.
Hmmm well I was asking to see if maybe it was within the timeframe that I consider mine a false pregnant, but that's real borderline. Those are usually done by day 18, and if she was pulling fur day 20 that's not too early to build a nest, but most will do it a little closer to due date. Who knows, unfortunately you'll just have to wait and see, but my fingers are crossed for you!

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