Is Partridge Pea plant safe?

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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2013
Reaction score
Big Island of Hawaii
My goats eat it, and I've fed very small amounts to the rabbits.

I don't know how safe it is though. I have a lot growing all over. It looks similar to sleeping grass, but it's not. Sleeping grass is very thorny, this has no thorns.

It has green leaves, yellow flowers, and small pea pods. As far as I can tell, it is a partridge pea plant. But I'm not 100% sure.


It does look like the partridge pea, but try this test. Touch the leaves lightly- do they kinda fold up? If so, it's the partridge pea, also known as the sensitive plant. Also, I believe the flowers have a small bit of red in the middle.

From what I have read, it's safe for rabbits (in small amounts). It appears to be VERY high in protein (30% is what I see).

ETA: did some checking, and I am not sure the partridge pea is native to Hawaii. At least, I can't find it listed. In your climate, it would almost certainly be a perennial, so maybe someone brought some in. But I would check the flowers for the red and do the touch test to be more sure it's the right plant.
Yeah, it is an invasive weed. I will try to find some better specimens and photo them to see if it's the same plant.

__________ Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:51 pm __________

Yes, it has a couple tiny dots of red, and the leaves do sleep when you touch them.

This seems to be the scientific name: Chamaecrista nictitans

Here's a closeup of the flower:
