Is my bunny lonely ?

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Jun 29, 2011
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This sounds stupid but Annabell is in my bedroom an i try to spend a lot of time with her .There is no room in our living room because my wife has birds .I feel bad she is by herself, do you think she minds being alone ? Or is it me feeling guilty .
I know my rabbits like to be alone in a quiet room, but enjoy the odd visit from me. I spent as much time as I could with them to tame them. And lots of treats.
I don't understand why your wife's birds would keep you from having your rabbit spend time in the livingroom or anyother area of the house. I at one point had my flemish giant and her babies come out of the laundry room to play with the kids, the dogs and lizards didn't mind at all. Rabbits raised with other animals will tolerate most and avoid others (mine toerate the dogs and use them as jungle gyms; avoid the iguana; are confused by my silkie hens), just like anyother animal.
I clean my indoor cages often, but could never consider keeping a rabbit in a bedroom, the dust would drive me nuts.
What i mean i with the bird cages there is no room for her cage . Most of the time she dont want me to pick her up, when i do get her i take her in the living room for awhile but she always want to go back to her cage .
I sincerely doubt she is lonely, and the peace and quiet are probably good for her.

But if you WANT her to be somewhere else, she will adapt to almost anything. My rabbits live outside, and I wouldn't have them in the bedroom because they are noisy at night, but my dog sticks his head in the cages, the kids run past noisily and there is lots of construction and power tools used near them often. They are fairly unflappable. They get the most wild if someone walks up quietly, it surprises them! :lol:
Our rabbits are colony animals-- It is my beleif, that some interaction every day is needed, and quite frankly, having them in sight of the dog, cat, etc, touching noses, even through the cage wire, would benefit a single rabbit.
Of course, interaction with humans counts too. :) It has been my feeling that single pet rabbits bond more closely with their owners. This brings with it the responsibility to provide that companionship. It's very sad to see a solitary rabbit whose owners have lost interest in providing for its emotional needs - or perhaps are oblivious to those needs. Please understand that these comments are not directed at anyone here; they are simply my opinion based on my experiences.
My impression is that this particular rabbit is a well loved and pampered pet--getting much more human interaction than average. It was in that context that I said it is not likely to be lonely...certainly many animals would get lonely if they don't see another living soul for days at a time. Thanks Maggie and Brody for catching the misleading nature of my comment!
Eco, my post was simply to point out that although rabbits can interact with other rabbits or other pets, human companionship counts as well. I agree with you totally that Annabell sounds like she is getting plenty of attention! Bill is feeling needlessly guilty, I think. :)
true! But others may read this post months from now, without knowing the background of this particular bunny. I wouldn't want any one being confused!
I can understand... my rabbits are all in seperate cages except for Lydia and Sophie, they share a cage... We are down to see them a minimum of once a day and I let them have 'run' time, either in the yard in groups of 3 or in our extra room all together(fun with 9 rabbits) but sometimes I still get that they are lonely.... I think it is just a normal feeling because of how social dogs and cats are... My rabbits LOVE attention but I have also noticed that they kind of like their alone time too... They run around and play together and then they are done.... everyone seperates and lays down in their own area....

BTW, my rabbits are all in my basement/game room/den but pretty soon Sophie and Brier will be moved in to my girls' room.... it is their bunny and they want the responsibility to clean and keep them.... We shall see how they do... They are pretty responsible kids...

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