Is there something with this time of year? I have been reading a number of threads on breeding frustrations and was thankful to not have had to really deal with it... until now. I have had a few stubborn does, but usually would get at least one or two to lift eventually. I tried 5 different does of varying ages with 2 different bucks today. A couple newbies, a couple proven breeders. Bucks were all in, rip roarin' ready to go! The does? Not so much... their butts were glued to the wire! Maybe they are trying to tell me something? We're predicted to have a cold winter, and I know animal behaviors can really tell the forecast if you pay close attention. I am wondering if they know of impending cold weather and instinctively know that kits wouldn't be a good idea? Or do you think being domesticated takes some of those instincts out?