Is fuscia safe for rabbits?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2013
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there are many types of the fuscia and ive still to identify what variety is growing here so thought i would ask if anyone knows much about this plant specifically is any of it safe for rabbits? my horses eat the leaves and flowers and a neighbor also eats the flowers im doing a division in my rabbitry and wanted to use thick cut branches of it to sheild does and kits from the buck spraying and hope that the branches are not toxic as are bound to be knawed on :bunnyhop:
I know that the berries and flowers are edible, but I am not sure about the rest of the plant.

I also believe that the flowers are slightly acidic, so be careful in the amounts being fed. The berries are made into jam and are safe.
Marinea":cno1y9mf said:
I know that the berries and flowers are edible, but I am not sure about the rest of the plant.

I also believe that the flowers are slightly acidic, so be careful in the amounts being fed. The berries are made into jam and are safe.

thanks marinea its the bark from well established branches i'd like to use as its available to me here, i would just like to make use of it but can use willow if the fuscia might be acidic/harmful i didnt know the berries are made to jam :) there are only flowers on the fuscia here no berries.