Is fescue hay okay?

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
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Hi folks! I'm new here (first post), but I've been reading all I can for weeks. I'm all set to pick up my new Silver Fox buck on Sunday. I've got a small bag of timothy hay from the store, but went looking for a larger bale to last us longer. It seems all I can find in my area is fescue hay. I've read conflicting information on whether or not this is safe for rabbits. Is this a regional problem? I'm in central NC if that makes a difference. I've had a heck of a time finding Silver Fox rabbits, so I really don't want to make him sick. Thanks for any help!
Fescue grasses are prone to being host to the endophytes that cause neurological issues. IF you know the source, and that grower has animals that are affected by endophytes (horses, sheep, goats, cows) and the the grower feeds the very same hay to his animals, chances are, the hay is safe-- age helps decrease the chance of endophytes surviving, as well.. I found this out when I did some research after buyog a seed mix that had a lot of rye in it, and the selling company could not tell me right off if the seeds were endophyte free...
Oh dear, this sounds more complicated than I had hoped. We've never had to buy hay before so I don't have anyone I trust to buy from. Is fescue the only type of hay that has this problem? I may be able to drive a little ways and find something different.
Are there any stables close to you? If there are ask about either getting their suppliers name or buying a bale from the stable. Horse quality hay is what you want.
BTW welcome :)
Check Craig's list - search on hay. You should be able to find orchard grass. A new hay season is approaching, so you might have to wait if no one has any left from last year.
An alternative to baled hay is hay cubes if they're available in your area. I feed them and prefer them over loose hay, the mess is considerably less
So...anyone care to venture a guess for this rabbit many bales of hay would take me through a year, per rabbit? I did find that Tractor Supply has hay so I can use that to get me through for the time being until I can find something better (and cheaper!) Thanks for the help everyone:)<br /><br />__________ Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:03 am __________<br /><br />Are the hay cubes a 100% substitute for loose hay? Those would be good for their teeth too, right?
I Like the hay cubes-- less expensive than Tractor Supply- less messy, and, yes, very good for teeth wearing. Also, I soak them in the winter- the rabbits then get extra water that way-- and it really helps them hold condition.

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