Is Cedar okay in pull out trays UNDER cage?

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
Northern Indiana
I have never bought cedar shavings before. I usually use big bags of wood shavings that we get from a farmer. I ran out and was desperate as the cages need cleaned. My husband picked up some bedding not knowing it made a difference what kind. I know cedar is not a good choice. Is it a problem though if it is just in pull out trays UNDER the cages, NOT in the cage?

Thanks for your input!
Cedar gives off volatile oils which can irritate the respiratory tract- it has nothing to do with direct contact.

If they are not very fragrant it may be okay, but it would probably be best to mix them with pine bedding if you use them at all.

I would use something else, personally... peat moss, dried leaves or grass, or even garden soil. If you have a document shredder you could use the paper, or line the trays with newspaper or paper bags.
Thanks so much. I went ahead and returned it and got pine instead.
I just got the rabbitry all clean too. Yay.

Thanks again. :bunnyhop:
You need a lot of ventilation to use cedar shavings around animals that stay near them all the time. If you concentrate too much of the oils coming off it into the air around animals for an extended period of time they will suffer lung and liver damage. All softwoods, including pine, have some of the same oils but none on the market are as strong as cedar.
not only that but urine added to cedar causes the fumes to become a lot worse. I don't get why they sell cedar shavings for pets anymore, they're not safe for that use with ANY animal imho (they are hazardous to us humans as well). <- good info on this, with references from laboratories.
I find a lot of people buy them for outdoor dog houses and such to repel pests and the dog is not in the house all the time. Doesn't mean it's doing no damage but it's at least low enough exposure they don't show symptoms. People also don't want to do research on why that hamster/guinea pig/rabbit started drinking lots of water, got a respiratory infection, and died with or without treatment after 4-12months. Even informing people who have already bought cedar shavings that they can be toxic I have been met with aggressive resistance. People yelling that you should blame walmart for selling it and not them for buying it. Why would it be sold if it wasn't safe?