Interesting articled on Dystocia in a rabbit

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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
You can find that here:

This part interested me:
"Unlike dogs and cats, the female rabbit has a unique reproductive tract in that it lacks a uterine body and each of the uterine horns has its own cervix that opens directly into the vagina (2,3). There is abundant adipose tissue in the mesometrium and surrounding the ovaries, making identification and ligation of uterine vessels challenging for an ovariohysterectomy or Caesarean section . Similar to cats and ferrets, rabbits are induced ovulators; however, ovulation occurs 10 h post-coitus in rabbits versus 30 h after copulation in cats and ferrets. Gestation ranges from 29 to 35 d, averaging between 30 to 32 d."

What part interested you?
The adipose tissue ( =fat )

After butchering rabbits ranging in age from 4 weeks to 4 years, only a few have had a uterus I couldn't find due to fat build up and those were mostly recues who were pets at one point.

STOP OVER FEEDING YOUR RABBITS. (And your dogs and your cats and your kids etc... :mrgreen: )
I have already studied that kind of information but what I find interesting is that I keep seeing posts where people are having problems breeding and someone will always ask if the rabbit is in season, in heat or refer the the doe's 'cycle'. The doe becoming pregnant is influenced by a buck breeding her. The buck breeding her is influenced by her allowing it. Looking at the doe's parts can indicate a willingness to breed, which can be at any time. I wonder what the color of the doe's parts is actually affected by - amount of sunlight, variety of foods she has access to or something else. Those would be factors we could control and predict.

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