coffeenutdesigns":28shaztb said:
Despite coming from a long line of farmers, my veggie gardens have been less than spectacular.
All that is about to change now, with the help of the miraculous bunny-berries! :wizard: You will be the envy of your entire farmer-family!
coffeenutdesigns":28shaztb said:
BUT, today I got my first little zucchini and it actually tastes good and no vermin ate it first!!!
Yeehaw!!! Nothing beats vegis fresh from the garden!
Not to dampen your enthusiasm, (well, maybe a little.
:twisted: )
okeeye: , but zucchini are really easy to grow. I have yet to have anything attack the zukes themselves. Even gophers leave the plants alone. The only things we have problems with are aphids on the flowers and undersides of the leaves, and occasionally powdery mildew when the plants are nearing the end of their lives anyway.
That said, one year we just couldn't grow it to save our lives! It was awful- usually we are swimming in the stuff- and have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner- but that year, NOTHING! :evil: Talk about failure to thrive- the plants were pathetic. It was embarrassing.
Thankfully, it was a bad year here for everybody, so we were in good company... but still!
One other year I didn't plant any because we were overrun with "volunteer" squash plants. They popped up
everywhere, and I have noticed that the volunteer plants of all varieties always seem to be very hardy and resistant to pests, so was overjoyed.
Imagine my chagrin when they all turned out to be ornamental squash from our Thanksgiving table decor that I made the mistake of composting.
It took years before I finally stopped having the dang things pop up! :angry:
coffeenutdesigns":28shaztb said:
I even have another one almost ready that is a little bigger still!
You'll be surprised by how quickly they grow- I bet it will be a lot bigger this evening when you pick it. Watch out for the monster zukes- :nightmare: I don't know how they manage to hide, but suddenly there will be an enormous one lurking in the leaves! We usually scoop out all of the seeds and then make a big stuffed zucchini boat out of those, but they also store pretty well for winter use.
I hope the rest of your garden thrives this year, too! :good-luck: