Ice buckets are a big hit!

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2012
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Trying to figure out the best way for the buns to beat the heat. It's been in the high 90s to 106 degree range and they have been FEELING it. I have been making frozen 2L bottles, but didn't have enough to go around. Even with 3 kids (preteen and teenagers), they STILL haven't drank all the soda so I can use the bottles :evil: I have been scrambling to keep them all misted and squirted and cooled. I haven't lost any more but I can't say they have been comfortable either. I have my growouts 4-5 to a cage right now so I needed something big enough they could all get to. I did have some gallon size ice cream buckets so I filled and froze those. The bunnies like those even more than the soda bottles. Today is the first day they have stayed perky and alert. I finally had enough ice to go around. The ones with the ice cream buckets seemed to enjoy it more because they could hop up on top of the ice and sit on it or lick at it. I put them in, went back inside to get the rest of the bottles and when I came back all the buns in the cage had circled it in the middle like a magnet! YAY. I also went out at least every hour starting at about 11:30 before it got super hot to spritz them good with the water bottle. I didn't want to put the ice out too early and have it melt before the heat. It was supposed to get to 101 today, but I'm not sure if it did or not. Still bringing the little babies in for now though, but I am bringing them in later each day and taking them back out a little earlier in hopes of acclimating them gently since they are my last ones until fall.
It is now 7 pm and still hot, but the pens I had the buckets in still have a block of ice to play with. I used the melt water to rub their ears, dumped the rest and left the ice so I could take the buckets to start refreezing. So, the buckets last longer than the bottles. The bottles were handy for refilling waterers, though.
Love that idea of ice buckets!! Just wish I had a freezer big enough for ten buckets!