I think I'm back for a bit

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2012
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I haven't been around for a while.. or year or so.. but yeah my life has settled down enough to where I have time to be part of an online community again.. as long as I don't forget about or have more computer problems again. Despite the one I'm on now being not even a month old in my care. But I figured this was the best place to post for this.. and to give an update on my rabbits/farm since I moved from where I last was when I joined here due to a whole bunch of BS.

So far this year only lost two rabbits (males that weren't needed aside from to breed their breed of rabbit) to the heat... two to butchering (another three will be joining this reason sometime this week after I get my dad to do so)... and all the rest are doing good despite the heat. But I got them a nice set up.. half a barn thing that is about 10Wx17L (although I have it go out to 20 feet and the one cage that has a good roof is sitting there) and I'm still having rabbits set out in the walk way but only one of them is my keep rabbit the other one is trying to get sold. But I'm starting to get known as the rabbit person at the local feed store who always sets up at their swap.. had a few people waiting for someone with rabbits this months swap. And as the only other people in my area who do rabbits are doing them for meat (and most get their starting stock from my Uncle), my lop mixes and lops are different and cuter than the plain white ones that I've seen others have.

My mom got me into chickens when she went and ordered her 100 chickens (50 pullets and 50 straight run so roosters get butchered).. I got Phoenix breed for myself to raise up and perhaps show at the local fairs. I got really lucky... five hens and one rooster out of an order of 5 with the extra for if any died during shipping. Now just gotta get a nice cool day to build their pen or have better luck and sell the rest of the young rabbits I have to get the dog pen that would be turned into a chicken pen. Currently all my 12 are in a 4x4 pen and have been staying smallish not sure how they are gonna grow once they get put in the pen I build or buy (buy it's be 10x10). Other breed I got was Silver Duck wing Yokohama (two hens), and five Black/Blue Sumatra that I'm assuming are hens because haven't seen or heard any crow and my phoenix rooster is crowing, plus they are about 4 months old now.

We are waiting on our garden to start producing more.. bunch of green tomatoes but only my one plant I brought in spring with tomatoes on it already is producing any. Which it's a Sweet 100 kind since I wanted an cherry tomato that would produce before the ones my mom planted. We also have some watermelon, cantaloupe, yellow squash, zucchini, eggplant, onions, and cucumbers aside from the 75ish or 100 tomato plants.

I might try to get around to getting pictures of everything to show but I'm pretty lazy and I've had the stuff for my chicken pen since February or March and didn't get my chickens until April.. and still don't have it built. It went from too cold to too hot way too fast with only the cools days being when it rained.

Yesterday my dad killed a 4 foot black snake that probably killed our pretty rooster (which I got in a trade for a rabbit since we had lost our rooster before then) and probably been stealing some eggs.. possibly even got a few baby rabbits that got out of their cage back in May when my last litters before the summer heat hit where baby babies.

So yeah.. been real busy with animals as all the 120 chicks where brooded inside the living room, only had a path to walk along to get from the front door to my parents room to the kitchen. Although we did use the 50 gal storage tubs for brooding.. cut out the lid and put wire along the top to keep cats out of them and to keep them from flying out. And then cleaning out the barn for my rabbits, getting new to me cages, going to swaps, and dealing with a little bit of family drama (well listening to it as I now live closer to family due to living in the house my mom grew up in on my aunt's land).
Welcome back!

I think I am new to RT since you've been gone. Whew, it sounds like you have a lot on your plate.
Hi nice to meet you also!!!! WOW busy over there!!!I love me sopme chickens also!! soundds like you have a great mix :)

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