I think Haystashing is happening!

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2016
Reaction score
60km's east of Vernon, British Columbia
Ok so i cleaned out cages today, air dried them and then placed the nest boxes in and of coarse gave alot of nesting materials. put both of my "pregnant" does back into their cages and watched. One started to nest right away, pushing, stamping, moving straw all around in the box, the way she likes it. but no "haystash". the other... could care less. So now I'm really wondering if that doe actually took. oh well if she doesn't kindle by the 5th of April.. then I'll rebreed her.

But the other doe, her belly is rounded, she hasn't pulled fur yet.. but I'm assuming that will be soon if she is about to kindle. hopefully she takes care of all of the babies.. cuz i may not have a doe to foster over to.

As for the doe I'm doubtful about. how long do you keep a doe if she refuses to breed or just doesn't take any time you've bred her?

I palpated my cali cross doe.. she was bred on the 17th and then again on the 22nd.. and i think i felt little marbles in there.. she's so docile that i was able to get a good feel i think. so i'll assume she's due April 17th-18th then if i feel marbles.

I'm so excited that i can't contain myself.. lol!
*fingers crossed for healthy litters*

My does don't usually pull fur until right before kindling. Some go crazy building when I put boxes in, some are meh until they feel like it. Don't give up on the doe yet.
so excited!!! I'm just giddy! lol

I'll keep and eye on everyone and let you know when the popples arrive! <br /><br /> __________ Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:00 pm __________ <br /><br /> Ok so i went back in my calendar to see when i bred my does.. Bred 28th, 29th of Feb and 1st of March... So.. 30 days is today... No fur, no kits.
GAH! lol I can't stand this!