I need a new barn!

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
North Idaho
Hubby gave me an ultimatum. No more rabbits in his big (30x40)shop. The urine on the cement floors is messy, and he says we need the room for the hay we cut and store. ugh. Bright side of this, he has agreed that I need a new barn built. Our lovely neighbor/friend/surrogate dad has volunteered his mad skills with carpentry. My head is spinning with the possibilities! Oh, how big can I have! Oh, how many holes can I fit! and so forth. All googled images I've found, while "cute" seem like they would not hold enough bunnies for me. I need a LARGE barn. I need electricity, storage, separate areas for "show" and "meat" herds, preferably with a "buck" area, a "working doe" area, a "grow out" area, and a "nesting" area. Am I missing anything? Oh, and a grooming/weighing/processing area... and a room for a cot on kindling nights...just kidding!
some ideas I've had were to side it with metal roofing/siding, or to side it with lovely cedar 1x4's... I want double hanging stacks with poop chutes. lol. I want four double rows, one down each side, back to back double row in the middle, and the bucks across the back. I want dirt floors, I want windows above the top row for light and airflow. in front I want double barn doors. I would love to have a barn style roof. with a loft for storage of feed, carriers, nest boxes, etc. I want the interior walls to be of that waterproof plastic or whatever, wall board stuff. I will have heaters for the winter, and fans for summer.
Ok now I'm done dreaming. Ideas? Size recommendations? Reality checks? help! I have the area picked out, we can get really good deals on lumber from work. Neighbor
is a great carpenter and electrician. we have SOME green metal roofing sheets, new unused ones...oh. and the roof style I'm talking about is called a gambrel roof.
I have an approximately 10x14 three sided shed that was once a horse shelter and I have 10 adults and 24 weanlings in it, one level.

I'd start by drawing out your ideal floor plan and tweaking it with hubby and your neighbor.
boundarybunnyco":1ok7pxko said:
and a room for a cot on kindling nights...just kidding!

Get some video baby monitors for at night!!
because we have cement floors in our shop and the pee puddles up. I want to just rake the floors and toss the stuff in the compost piles.
Actually, remove some dirt, and pack limestone screenings. You get drainage, a dry floor, less mold/mildew issues, light reflection. Less odor than on cement. It is easily raked and otherwise 'picked up' for cleaning purposes. If you run pipes under the floor, and something needs to be fixed-- hey, a lot easier to deal with screenings, and if the pipes are IN the floor, you can fix without dealing with 'mud'

can you tell I really look hard at every type of animal barn I have been in?
what are limestone screenings? is that a kind of gravel? I will do that. not plumbing water in, although it will have a frost free hydrant right next to it.
We just installed a frost free hydrant this spring. I love it. I have a hose hooked to it, with an l shaped nozzle and it takes just a few minutes to water all the buns in my small barn. Haven't got to see how it does in the winter yet.

I'm getting ready to put all my buns in the garage for a couple of months during the heat, so I can redo the dirt floor, and give it a thorough clean. I was going to dig v shaped ditches under the cages and fill with gravel...is limestone a lot better?
I'm planning to get one like OAF's:


I plan to put latticework all around the sides, and grow bunny-safe vines all over them. I want an enclosed section in the back (with doors and windows) for feed/hay storage, a grooming area, and a processing area (with commercial sinks) and electricity. Automatic waterers and misting system, and fans.

I was planning a dirt floor with paving-stone walk ways, but I like Terry's limestone suggestion. Limestone screenings should be pretty inexpensive here in Texas.
trinityoaks":1sgci0jx said:
I'm planning to get one like OAF's:


I plan to put latticework all around the sides, and grow bunny-safe vines all over them. I want an enclosed section in the back (with doors and windows) for feed/hay storage, a grooming area, and a processing area (with commercial sinks) and electricity. Automatic waterers and misting system, and fans.

I was planning a dirt floor with paving-stone walk ways, but I like Terry's limestone suggestion. Limestone screenings should be pretty inexpensive here in Texas.

Although, with dirt you could put in a worm bed....