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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2013
Reaction score
Western Michigan
I had so much fun at the show. I did showmanship with Bandit my Mini Lop buck and he got best of breed and competed for best in show but did not win that. The market pen got an A ribbon and would have one had they not been MIXED BREED which I did not know. :angry: I have the parents and they are purebred but the judge says there must have been another breed besides Silver Fox mixed in at some point way way back.
Softfall, the Silver Fox buck that molted like crazy got Best Opposite because she said he had good body type and you can't help if they molt right before the fair of course. She said the fur she did see on him had good ticking and was in pretty good condition anyway.
Best in Show went to a young lady who'd been raising Florida Whites for several years. She did a great job.
My SF junior doe has white on her cheeks and their fur isn't standing fur. It's almost like rollback. I just thought the white would go away when she molts and that the fur was rollback just cause she's a baby and will get normal SF fur when she matures.
From what I've seen, a huge amount of SF are mixed.

Just be ready to cull anything weird, like white cheeks or fur that doesn't standup, and keep breeding to the standard.

I've never seen white cheeks on a Sf junior. My lines never threw any white spots at all, but they were still considered mixed because they carried chocolate, steel, and rew genes.

A small white spot on the forehead sometimes appears in some lines and can be outgrown, but I don't think white cheeks would be.

Some people have seen chinchilla, wool, and tort genes in their silverfox, and I think someone mentioned sable once? Basically...they could carry anything. :roll: Pedigrees are no assurance of getting purebreds. Actually the most genetically pure SF I've seen and test bred so far have no pedigrees.
Good job at the show! I'm glad you had so much fun, and it sounds like you learned quite a bit, too! :)
Good news! Softfall is no longer bald. He has molted most of his coat but is still molting a bit. His new coat looks good, nice ticking. The only problem is, parts of his new coat is not long enough to be Standing Fur. So he might be faulted for molting, but I'm just going to bring him anyway.