I lost a puppy today

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Well-known member
Jan 1, 2012
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She came into this world, silently, secretively, and left just the same.

Another sad event in the string of sad events in the last few weeks of my life. Starting with the unexpected salary reduction after spending the summer draining my account making house repairs, the fiasco with not getting paid because the previous administration drained the money out of the school's accounts, having the bank account overdrawn because the automatic withdrawals that came afterwards, having to feed my rabbits what ever I could find until the money came in (lost my whole litter of mini rexes), selling rabbits I really wanted to keep to the snake man to feed the others, long awaited rabbit deals falling through and the embarrassment of explaining why, having to feed rabbits I wanted to keep to the dogs to keep them fed, hitting a hole in a construction zone that should have been covered with a steel plate resulting in the spring being ripped off of my shock and another $$$ to have the chassis rebuilt, not to mention now needing to replace the rear struts. Having some kits to raise and sell to a buyer was supposed to help pay for cost of rabbit feed. Got a call from the buyer, but no kits to sell. Getting the rabbits to breed seems trivial now, and I'm thinking who to cull to reduce the feed bill.
Tuesday someone tried to break into my church; a few months ago they broke in and stole all of our musical equipment, offering plates, alter candle holders and brass doorknockers. It's hard not to feel violated.
Phoenix breaks out of the crate, so I left her loose in the barn, like I have a choice. She likes to hang out of the loft window, tears it open no matter how I nail it closed. Well today she either fell or jumped. She's limping now. Of all of the dumb things to do, at the time when I can't afford a vet bill.

Seems like a thousand little things are conspiring to get me, to wear me down.

And now this--she was fine two days ago, a little thin, but we've all been skating by for a while. And suddenly she would not eat last night, and I knew, something was terribly wrong. In all of the mess, and me not feeling well, I missed an opportunity to diagnose her, to help her. She always was quiet, withdrawn. And now she's gone. Dropped into a shallow grave underneath the cherry tree with a rose to honor her. My little secret, lived in secret, died in secret. Never even having the dignity of a name. I know that you all understand how it is with our animals. And although they are not people, they have a way of getting hold of our hearts. My beautiful puppy is gone. What a way to end the week.
I am so sorry. I hope things get better for you. Know that we all are with you and feel for you even over all the miles. :grouphug:
I just learned that the man who started me in german shepherds, and gave me my fuzzy stalker love, Chopper, just passed away a few hours ago. There was something in the wind today, and I don't believe in coincidences.
I'm so sorry for all of the troubles that you have had lately, Sky. :cry:

Sometimes it seems that no matter how hard we try, we take two steps forward and three steps back. :(

It doesn't last forever though, and things will get better.

When a death comes early to someone I love, I try to be thankful for the time we did share together, and like to think that their mission on earth has been fulfilled and it was time for them to move on. I believe there is a reason behind the saying that "Only the good die young." The pain is still hard for those of us left behind, but the thought offers me some comfort at least.

I hope that the bad times are coming to an end for you and there will be a period of joy for you now. Until then, know that your RT family is here for you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. :grouphug2:
So sorry for your loss and understand completely when life just feels like it's against you and no matter what you do things just keep happening to wear you down.

Hang in there. These "bad times" can make you a stronger person. You are in our thoughts.

It is funny how something hits you right & brings you to tears. You know I am touched at how much losing 1 little puppy effects you. I would feel the same but a lot of people wouldn't. Please know good & bad come in cycles & what seems so hard now will just be a memory soon. The good comes. I hope soon for you. Just keep swimming. I always tell myself to just keep swimming. A blessing for your puppy under the cherry tree. & A blessing for your wounded heart.
Don't beat yourself up over not being able to help her. There is some new illness that are hitting dogs all across the US. they are acting fine then can go into shock a die before you know their are even sick. fecals are coming back from the lab clean so it isn't bacterial. new strain of fast acting parvo maybe.
Sweet friend, I am so sorry for your loss. Please don't blame yourself, as quickly as the puppy passed, there was likely nothing to be done anyway. I am sorry to hear of the struggles you are going thru, but know that you don't go thru them alone. Your RT family is right here to support and love you. I am praying for you, that you find peace in the midst of the storm. {{{hugs}}}

The Rainbow Bridge

[align=]Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet
goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special
friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water
and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor.
Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we
remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy
and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special
to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops
and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body
quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green
grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy
kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and
you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from
your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together[/align]
So sorry for your loss and the difficult time you have been having right now and wish there was something I could do to help. Hoping that things take a turn for the best for you soon. :D
sorry about all the bad luck you are having right now. Here is hoping for better days for you. Sorry about losing your pup.
I am sorry for your loss & the hard times you are going through.

I know no one can know exactly how you are feeling, but your post really touched me.
As I sit here crying over your ordeal just know your RT family cares & are praying for you.
Sky, sorry to hear about losing your pup! I know you have been having a run of rough luck, but didn't know the school district is not making payroll ... that is inexcusable! How long before they will be able to pay?