I don't think it's pasturella....something else?

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Dec 19, 2011
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So I went out to feed and water before I have to go to my wisdom teeth removal appointment and I noticed Master Bodai was acting very lethargic and wheezing.

He's not sneezing, but his nose is crusted. Nothing on his paws.

I pressure washed the whole rabbitry yesterday and managed to have one doe give me the slip and we haven't seen her since. Which is VERY unusual for a Mini Lop.

So it's been a rough two days.

I've taken him out of the rabbitry and isolated him in a carrier in the house. I'm scratching my head. He was nowhere near the champagnes I culled for pasturella in May. The only issue I had since then were some babies I guess got something up their nose, I could see mucus on their nose, no crusting on the legs, and culled them on the spot. When I looked at their lungs, they looked perfectly fine and healthy. Nothing out of the norm. Strange.

I have a picture of him from just last week and he is in excellent flesh and bright eyed. He was the same yesterday. This morning his coat,his eyes,and his personality is just dull.

I'd like to see what I can try before I cull him when I just don't feel in my gut that he has snuffles.

This is him just last week

If I don't respond I'll be at my appointment. I'll try to check out RT as soon as I can.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:42 am __________<br /><br />I think I described the weezing a little incorrectly. His breathing is VERY labored. I don't hear anything in his lungs. He usually doesn't like to be picked up and he's just barely got any fight. Just letting me carry him. He's just laying down. We haven't had any problems with heat here in GA. Just humidity, but nothing lethal. Doesn't get too hot or moist in the rabbitry. Fans are always running
Hmm...sounds like there is definitely something going on. It could be that he is just one that doesn't tolerate any amount of heat/humidity well. If it is over 80f where you are, that could be what it is.
I agree with OAF. It may just be the humidity *fingers crossed*.

And (hugs) about the wisdom teeth. Ick.
Well I'm a little out of it right now, just woke up from sleeping. Can't feel most of my face, but I'm checking in. It went well though, but I'll be going to rest again soon. :)

Master B is still labored in his breathing since I brought him in this morning. Does anyone have any information on Bordatella? (sp?). He hasn't been sneezing at all. He just looks pitiful :(
Not familiar with bordetella in rabbits but I believe it is similar to Pasteurella.

Hope it is just the humidity causing his difficulty.
Peach":1iiqn12v said:
Well I'm a little out of it right now, just woke up from sleeping. Can't feel most of my face, but I'm checking in. It went well though, but I'll be going to rest again soon. :)

Master B is still labored in his breathing since I brought him in this morning. Does anyone have any information on Bordatella? (sp?). He hasn't been sneezing at all. He just looks pitiful :(

The only thing I see in Merck's Vet Manual that comes close is pneumonia....
Well I had cleared his nose of the stuck pieces of hair and that changed his mood completely. He was getting lively.

I have him a little bit of Pen G in case the hair had cause infection....

Then this morning we found he had passed away in his sleep :cry:

I had been sick all night with pain killers than I wasn't able to get as far as my bathroom. It was very hard finding him gone.

I checked his gut because I heard a lot of sloshing and gas when I picked him up.....when I looked inside his intestines had ruptured :cry: He hadn't showed any signs of internal issues.

I don't know what to think... I'm scared for my herd even though he was in isolation and I made sure I was clean before I went to just do a walk through this morning since I'm still not feeling good. Everyone looks fine right now
I'm sorry you lost him, Peach. I also hope you get to feeling better soon. I remember how sick I got when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Although temporary, it was intense.
I'm so sorry, Peach! :( Hoping everything else is safe with the rest of your herd! :clover:
Went out to bleach and scrub Master B's cage....

Tornado is also not looking well :( No snot, no crust, clear eyes, clear nose.....but he's loosing condition. His gut doesn't feel right and his stomach feels like a knot. Nothing in the intestines I gave him papaya enzyme in case of wool block. Coincidence? His poop is also cecal like.

I haven't fed them out of the norm with their pellets...very strange. :(
Sorry you lost him, Peach. :(

I wish I could offer insight into the ruptured gut, but the only thing I can think of is gas. Maybe the flora in his cecum got disrupted. Have you recently opened a bag of food from a different lot number than the previous bags?

I would give Tornado some probiotics, and dosing the rest of the herd would be a good precaution.

I hope you can figure it out, and that you heal quickly from your wisdom teeth surgery. :clover:
MamaSheepdog":1hq1fpwa said:
Sorry you lost him, Peach. :(

I wish I could offer insight into the ruptured gut, but the only thing I can think of is gas. Maybe the flora in his cecum got disrupted. Have you recently opened a bag of food from a different lot number than the previous bags?

I would give Tornado some probiotics, and dosing the rest of the herd would be a good precaution.

I hope you can figure it out, and that you heal quickly from your wisdom teeth surgery. :clover:

Oh, that is too bad, hon. So sorry.... :( I second MSD's advice, and you might add simethicone if you feel any bloating. Pull the pellets and give hay and oats till it resolves.
I'm going to make my runs to the feed store and to the grocery store today after my BF gets off of work. Still dizzy from the medication getting out of my system so I'm not going to drive just yet.

When I did look at Master B's rupture instestines, there was a whole lot of gas in there and still some in the upper intestine. When I open up him stomach some of the gas escaped instantly and smelled horrible.

Should I give plain yogurt for the probiotics?
:cry: I'm so sorry you lost him, Peach. Fingers crossed for Tornado and the rest of your herd. You've had a rough go this week, bless your heart!
Thanks, OAF- I meant to mention simethicone. :oops:

For probiotics, I use Bene-Bac by manna Pro, marketed for livestock- it list goats, sheep, horses, etc.

Some people do give yogurt, but rabbits don't naturally eat dairy except as kits, so it may cause other issues.
MamaSheepdog":1h1c6ioj said:
Thanks, OAF- I meant to mention simethicone. :oops:

For probiotics, I use Bene-Bac by manna Pro, marketed for livestock- it list goats, sheep, horses, etc.

Some people do give yogurt, but rabbits don't naturally eat dairy except as kits, so it may cause other issues.

You can use Benebac or ProBios, both are good. I would not use yogurt.