Cohen Rabbitry
Well-known member
Ok, here's the deal..I bought a Castor Doe that was expecting her first litter. Was told she was due on the 5th. I put a nest box in on day 29 and she used it as a litter box everytime I changed it. So, on day 33 I removed it. Well, on the 9th (yesterday) I had a doe that I knew was going to kindle (and she did) Well the same day this doe (Kelilah) started making a nest in the corner but not pulling fur. So to ammuse her and I (and just in case) I put the nest box in. Well, she took everything out of the box and was placing in the same corner as before. So I moved the nestbox to that corner. She started building her nest. Since the other doe was nearby I thought maybe she was getting confused with the hormones or something. Several hours later she started pulling fur, but not much at all. I thought this was just a false alarm. The other doe kindled and about 15-30 minutes after that Kelilah stayed in the box and was literally burying her nose in the nest, making it almost like a cave shape. Thought nothing of it since she didn't kindle. I checked on the other does kits and looked in Kelilahs box as well and didn't see any movment so decided to go to bed. This orning everything was good. Kelilah wasn't in the box, so this afternoon I decided to take the box out. After looking in the box (thank goodness I did) I found 1 tiny castor buck. He was warm, but not as warm as he should have been. and it didn't look like he has a full belly (maybe he does though) The was chopping his lips as if to look for food though. I moved him to the other does nest since it was a much fuller nest and had 4 kits in it to keep him warm. I grew concerned, knowing that the other doe fed her litter not too long ago and they all had very full bellies. So I took Kelilah and flipped her over so he could feed. I don't think her milk has come in though because he would latch on for a second and then go off. I tried several times in several locations to no avail. So, I got the other doe and flipped her over and after trying several times it seems like he drank about 5 drops. I don't know if I should worry or not. He is smaller than the others. Please tell me what you think, and what I should do. Thank you.
The broken black is from the other does litter and all her kits are this size. The smaller one is Kelilahs kit
Thank you again. All help is welcomed.
The broken black is from the other does litter and all her kits are this size. The smaller one is Kelilahs kit

Thank you again. All help is welcomed.