I can't keep them in the cardboard pen anymore...I keep waking up surrounded by or buried under kittens. 

Java couldn't wait for her turn for the bottle, so she knocked mine over to drink from it... I thought she was just mauling it hoping for milk like she does to my hands - I didn't even realize she was actually DRINKING from it until I grabbed her for her turn with the milk bottle. :lol:

They all followed me outside the other day, and hung out with me and dad for a few minutes.
I admit, I'm warming up to the little goofballs... lol

Java couldn't wait for her turn for the bottle, so she knocked mine over to drink from it... I thought she was just mauling it hoping for milk like she does to my hands - I didn't even realize she was actually DRINKING from it until I grabbed her for her turn with the milk bottle. :lol:

They all followed me outside the other day, and hung out with me and dad for a few minutes.