I bought another doe tonight

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Lebanon Pennsylvania
I did I did !! :p

I went back to the breeder tonight and bought a Harlequin doe that's bred back to my favorite Black/Orange Harlequin buck the breeder has.

This doe kinda looks like her dad but not as nice as her dad. I'm in hopes breeding back to her dad will clean up her color. This is also the doe I'm going to use to get broken tricolor.

I hope one of these does (two of them) bred to my favorite Black/Orange Harlequin buck gives me a baby that looks just like him. Darn it.

Watcha think ? Ohh and all CupCakes babies are doing very well !!! YAY !! :p



How exciting! :p :p :p


She is very pretty. :) I hope you get tons of beautifully marked harley babies in this litter!
Thanks Mama ... if only she would sell me my favorite Harlequin buck .. but she will NOT. Darn it. I think he is the most beautiful harlequin, compact and so little. She said he was for sale forever a year ago and noone wanted him .. rabbits wasn't even a thought for me a year ago. CRAZY how things work.

Here's his picture - she sent it to me for my pedigrees of the bred does. Just so you know - he is not mine. But he is the daddy to 2 of my does, bred back to 2 does, the daddy of my booted buck and was bred to the 3 pedigreed does I bought awhile back that didn't take.

I think he is beautiful and tiny.

The breeder said I could breed this doe to the booted buck for showable tris. That's really the only reason why I even bought this doe that night .. I was originally going to buy a totally different doe. But when I got there she told me this doe is the one I need if I have a booted buck and that she already went ahead an bred her a few days before to the Black/Orange Harlequin. So I brought this one home. :shock:

Why, do you think it's a bad idea ?