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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2012
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I have three does due this week and put nesting boxes in today. Two are first time young mothers, the other one is the mother of those two and the only litter I've had from her. Her last two breedings didn't take so this is her chance to prove she's worth keeping! I'm really nervous about the two younger ones but their mom, Ella, was a great first time mom and kept all 8 of her first kits alive and well so I'm hoping Poppy and Chloe follow in her pawsteps! Ella's crouched in her nestbox, with her red eyes glaring at me over the top, her ears flat, looking rattlesnake mean! I hope that means she's got babies on the way this time around!

In other news, I was seriously excited to find Alum Powder at our local bent-n-dent place for only $2.35 a pound! I'm stocked up and ready to tan a whole heap of hides one of these days! So far, we've butchered three but I haven't found it in me yet to cook them.
Very cool, ColdBrook!

How are your does doing? I know how it feels to have 1st time does about to kindle. So many things to keep in mind, but all you can do is wait! :D

I'd love to hear how things are going and maybe see some popple pics :D

P.S. Cook those things up! We just had one last night. cooked around 300 for a few hours. Wine, onions, potatoes, stuff like that, in a roasting pan. Delicious!
So far, nothing...except Ella is exceptionally grouchy, and spends most of her time crouched in the nesting box, peering angrily at me over the edge of it with her bulging red eyes. She looks positively malevolent. I'd guess she's pregnant! I am pretty sure I looked a lot like that when I was nearing my due date!

The two young does are showing no signs yet, no fur pulling or haystaches. Today is Day 30. Of course, our beautiful weather is over now and it will be back in the teens at night, so I hope they have good instincts and keep those babies warm if they have them in the middle of the night!
If you get freezing rain and a roof leak the kits will come!

How are the does doing today?
Day 33 and nothing yet from any of the three does I bred. I'm beginning to think it might be the buck, but he was eager and active and covered them all at least once with the whole grunting and falling off deal, so I really don't know what to think. One doe, Poppy, got exceptionally grumpy on day 30 and started growling and biting at me, which she's never done, but now she's back to "normal" a little shy, but friendly. Ella, the older one, never leaves her nesting box...for 4 days now she's been crouched in there, glaring out at us but no sign of fur pulling. I sure wish I knew what was going on with these rabbits! I'll give them up to day 40 before I try breeding anyone again, but this time I'm using a different buck!

__________ Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:04 pm __________

Well, that was a bust... Three rabbits bred in what appeared to be three successful covers....and nary a kit to show for it. I'm suspecting my buck now. Day 38 today and I put Ella, my NZW doe in with Sullivan, my new Silver Fox buck and she lifted and practically begged for it. He did his duty - twice.

I am marking the calendar again and sure hoping she delivers because this last time was the third unsuccessful breeding for her and this one is it...if there are no kits this time around, there's no Ella next time around! I waited a bit to let Sully catch his breath and put the SF(?) doe in but she was having none of it and he was a little too tired to chase her down and make her submit anyway. I'll try again in the morning with her.

The only other buck I have is full brother to the two younger does so I wanted to use Sullivan but I worry 4 gals in two days might be asking a lot of him. Do I breed them back to Zeke, their sire, the one who covered all three last time and no kits were produced? Or do I push poor Sullivan to come through for all four does? Thoughts?
ColdBrook":2se781fh said:
The only other buck I have is full brother to the two younger does so I wanted to use Sullivan but I worry 4 gals in two days might be asking a lot of him. Do I breed them back to Zeke, their sire, the one who covered all three last time and no kits were produced? Or do I push poor Sullivan to come through for all four does? Thoughts?

Why not breed them to their brother? As long as his traits complement the does, you should get nice litters.
I've always heard that it's okay to breed up and down lines but not across. Since it's just for meat kits, maybe I will go ahead and try that. Zakk's a very nice bunny, grew quickly and has a great personality. There's nothing I don't like about him. Thanks, MSD. I'll try this.