I am getting standard Rex rabbits

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PSFAngoras":232do3c3 said:
Sorry it didn't work out as planned. I've done the 10 hour trip for some show table cast off, but they still have beautiful coats and they throw enormous kits. Don't get discouraged. There's hope that even if you don't show, you'll end up with amazing stock. And who knows, maybe they'll carry recessive genes for the colors you do want and you'll luck out. Chin up! :)

So true. My blacks carry chocolate, dilute and REW, the otters the same. From that group, you could get anything except agouti colors.
If you ever have a reason to be closer to Detroit, MI I can certainly help you out. I've got a nest box full of black kits, possibly carrying chocolate, blue and maybe red.
Mary Ann,

Are you anywhere near Spencerville? There is a show there in the Fall. last year there were Rex shown, maybe you can pick some up from there.

There is also a Kijii ad saying they have Standard Rex, it says weights will be from 5-7 pounds though..and from the photos they look like blacks only. It is under the Owen Sound area, in case you are interested in checking them out.

I really hope you can get some Rex somewhere. Good luck.