Hypharm genetics and a guy down the road

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Mar 16, 2022
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Seeing a lot of hypharm ps40 bucks and does around but don't see a price anywhere. What's the price range for someone in Ontario and is it worth it at all? I figure if I can bring my genetics up I'll be laughing and not having to sort out the **** does and bucks.

Also a buddy of mine is selling is rabitry which he's been in for many years says he averages 8-14 kits a litter and when they go below that it's see you later. My mean kits per kindling is roughly 4-7 with three getting 10. My questions is would it be worth it to cull my Kijiji rabbits and replace them with some of his does?
are you wanting litters that size? Breeding meat rabbits or pets? What type of rabbits is he breeding?
if some of your rabbits are no good, replacing them is good.
Sometimes all you need is one good doe and you can build up your entire herd from that.
Only breed the three does that you have who have large litters. Eventually, then shouldn't all your rabbits be having large litters? I know my sheep friend gets rid of all ewes who don't throw twins and she now has a flock where every ewe almost always has twins. Seems like that would work with bunnies, too!
I believe that after 8 kits, it slows down the rate of growth of the kits and ends up costing you more in feed to get to 5 lb. .... but I could be wrong. ... info anyone??
Anecdotally, my Tamuks have litters that range from 8 to 12 kits (there are lines that have larger litters, these are mine). I have noticed that yes, the litters of 8 grow out faster and bigger so I am torn but I choose to be happy about every litter - the smaller ones because they will grow out faster and the larger ones because there are more kits. I will say that the best litter I have ever produced was a litter of 8 and half of those are in other herds producing. The largest in that litter were 6 lbs at 10 weeks. I haven't run numbers on it to figure out which is most cost effective. Currently we suck at processing the growouts right on time so it is a moot point for us.
I believe that after 8 kits, it slows down the rate of growth of the kits and ends up costing you more in feed to get to 5 lb. .... but I could be wrong. ... info anyone??
My thoughts are on total litter weight within 3 months I'll still be spending money on feed for other growing kits as well
sometimes you just have to do things differently with differently sized litters. I ran an experiment once with one of my larger litters removing the boys earlier, removing the smallers and leaving the bigger girls with mom and was shocked at the difference in growout. Should I have the cage space I'll be replicating this experiment. But it's odd, I've often noticed that removing the smaller kits encourages them to grow faster (or perhaps they just eat more when away from mom?). I don't know all the parameters. but I have noticed they grow more quickly.


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sometimes you just have to do things differently with differently sized litters. I ran an experiment once with one of my larger litters removing the boys earlier, removing the smallers and leaving the bigger girls with mom and was shocked at the difference in growout. Should I have the cage space I'll be replicating this experiment. But it's odd, I've often noticed that removing the smaller kits encourages them to grow faster (or perhaps they just eat more when away from mom?). I don't know all the parameters. but I have noticed they grow more quickly.
A breeder I know will move kits around when he has a litter he wants more breeders from and gets that litter down to 4 kits. I recently had a doe who only had two kits. I had acquired her pregnant and I moved one kit to her from another litter. Probably should have moved more. Those three kits were so fat and fluffy and BIG. lol