human autoimmune suggestions

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Dec 30, 2013
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I have a ...sensitive autoimmune system. Adverse reactions to some meds, foods with lots of junk, heavy pollution, extreme stress. I've learned to manage it by watching how many stressors are impacting me but would love to have a stronger immune system. Recently I had an unexpected root canal and was on antibiotics & pain killers for a week +. Felt ok but noticed issues with my gums (my mouth is one of my first places to warn me). I was finished with the antibiotics about 4 days ago, then broke out inhives from stem to stern 2 days ago. I have had this happen so many times that I didn't even mess around--just went in immediately for my steriod shot. But I know I'm going to now get at the least a yeast infection from the shot + follow-up meds for the hives., and I may alsocatch whatever other mystery illness of the week is floating around. Any of you folks who are accomplished in natural meds & herbals have any suggestions? My docs are all about treating the symptoms with whatever the med journals recommend, not looking for alternatives for folks for me. And they are clueless about preventatives..
Eating lots of fermented foods with active bacteria is good for overall health...such as yogurt, kefir, lacto-fermented pickles, sauerkraut, and so on. Fresh, naturally grown vegetables are important too. My husband and I feel that diet is a huge contributing factor to health...eating foods as fresh and unprocessed as possible and having fermented foods in the diet can only help a lot, in my opinion...
I'm not good at herbal remedies for specific issues; I tried to treat ear infections and a UTI in myself, with no success. It doesn't sound like you are wanting to treat specific issues, sound as though you want overall health/a better immune system. Garlic is supposed to be great for immune system support...
One thing I have had success treating is yeast infections....I apply plain yogurt (be sure it has active cultures) a few times a day. Lots of air flow helps, too (such as going commando with a skirt), but you probably know these things, since you deal with it regularly.
I hope some of this is useful to you...and may your health improve!
I have allergies. All my life I have suffered from extreme sinus congestion and tiredness. As a child I suffered from hearing loss as a result of fluid build up in my ears. This resulted in my getting tubes in my ears but I then ended up getting lots of ear infections. I lived on Dimetapp as a child (the good stuff that had pseudoephedrine). As an adult I would ache all the time. Imagine feeling like you have the flu at least 50% of the time. At one point I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but could never shake the feeling that it was all related to allergies. Prescription meds never seemed to work. I eventually learned the dosage just wasn't high enough to have a good effect. A nasal spray with both claritin and zyrtec helped along with motrin for the muscle aches but I would still have frequent "bad" days. Because motrin worked on the pain it finally dawned on me that I had inflammation due to the allergies.

This past year the rabbits got me interested in my local plants and that has led to an interest in herbalism. I started trying different herbs. I've tried milk thistle, turmeric, goldenrod, and stinging nettle. The milk thistle and stinging nettle both helped some with the sinus congestion but the herb that has helped me the most is something that I found growing in my flower bed (I actually think I was sent the wrong seed for a flower I ordered but thank God that it happened) and googled to find an ID. Wireweed. It is supposed to have ephedra. I'm assuming that it does because it does wonders absolute wonders for my congestion.

Also, in the midst of all this I now believe I have a wheat allergy or sensitivity. Cutting down on wheat in my diet did seem to make a difference as well and bringing it back my symptoms returned. I'm going to eliminate it again start another one on Monday and try to stay with it better.

Not only that but it seems to have strong anti-inflammatory effects.

The wireweed and goldenrod tea I've been making seems to work on my congestion and takes away my body aches. It seems to have almost eliminated my IBS and I see noticeable effects on my heel spurs. I've been talking the wireweed for a month now and so am past the point where I could be getting placebo effects.

So...anyway...where am I going with this?

Try treating for inflammation and find something that works for you. You may have to try a lot of different herbs to find the one that works with your body. Try eliminating "trigger" foods one at a time and see if they have an effect. Nuts, wheat, eggs, and dairy are all common triggers. Don't give up!

Bikegurl posted great advice as well. Yogurt is wonderful as is apple cider vinegar.

Wow, that ended up alot longer than I intended. :lol: :x :lol:
Thank you both. I appreciate the information, the empathy, and knowing I'm not alone.

Alforddm, I agree that it is inflation of some sort. Doctors skew on the side of saying "it just happens", but I disagree. Everything in the world is made up of ecosystems, including our bodies. When something is out of balance everything reacts and either takes over or dies. It's just common sense to see what the imbalance is vs medicating the reaction and causing greater imbalance.

bikegurl, I agree. I hate that we've messed up our seeds so that wheat is now has different qualities than the original grain, so causes bigger problems. So many other foods look like the real deal but aren't. Time to buy cabbage and make some delicious kraut!
I've have had serious autoimmune and adrenal issues my whole life and I struggle daily with staying well. For at least a decade we have eaten a diet of whole foods, fermented foods, no processed foods. If I stray from that at all, I am very sick. My mother and her mother and grandmother all had autoimmune diseases, too.

About the root canal. I finally had my root canal removed completely last year because it caused chronic infection. That has helped.

Wish you were closer. We make dozens of gallons of fermented foods from our gardens every year and I'd be happy to share. If I could figure out how to send it through the mail, I could send you a Jun SCOBY so you could make yourself some healing beverages. But, one of the most healing for me has been beet kvass.
I have celiac disease, so I can totally sympathize.

Living with autoimmune conditions can be trying.
Most of my remedies are based around having a damaged/malfunctioning small intestine, so they wouldn't be helpful to everyone. I'll still share :)

For me, cutting out all wheat, barley, and rye, and refusing to eat even foods that may have been cross contaminated helped immensely for obvious reasons.
I no longer struggle with crippling stomachaches (as much) or incredibly painful rashes (at all.)
But, I still have issues with lack of appetite (anorexia.)

Anorexia can lead to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. (yep, just like a rabbit. :roll: ) It is unbelievably unpleasant, and it can take a long time to recover.
I have to be especially careful not to eat too much in the way of sugary or starchy foods after a period of insufficient eating to prevent that.

Cutting out all dairy helped with my IBS-like symptoms.
Beans wreak some havoc on my system, so despite how healthy they are, I still avoid them.

Alcohol makes me sick for days, so I try to keep consumption to a minimum.

But, it's not just about removing harmful foods for me, I also had to learn to add nutrient dense foods to my diet since my body is pretty poor on vitamin and mineral uptake.

Homemade bone stock is good for nourishing a body, and many herbs and wild plants are fantastic for providing nutrients which can help boost the immune system is SO MANY ways. I guess, instead of relying on specific plants or remedies for specific complaints, I try to incorporate as much variety of fresh plants (and animals) as I can to give my body lots of good material to work with.

I don't know how much our cutting-out of grocery store meat and produce has helped, since I think the overall effect on health was more subtle and boosted by other factors.
Zinnia, do you have a recipe for beet kvass? Not sure what it is. Thanks so much for the info. I feel for you, if you've struggled with an even bigger version of this your whole life.

I discovered I needed the root canal when a filling fell out and my tooth cracked. I'd been having low-grade symptoms of light depression, tiredness, mysterious swellings in my mouth lining, etc. Once I found out it made perfect sense-- although I wasn't showing signs of infection, my body was feeling it. But I totally forgot how badly antibiotics mess me up. They put me on them to prevent infection and it throws off my body chemistry Every. Single. Time. I can count on being sick from one thing or another for the next three weeks. Sigh.

Zass, my youngest has chronic stomach issues, esp .with acid. I suspect it's immunity issues showing up in another form. I' ll try your suggestions with him. Again, doctor suggestions included a sympathetic look, a recommendation for antacids, and a pamphlet that talked about how it can lead to bigger issues. It won't hurt to try an elimination diet.

Y'all are great. Thanks so much!
Here's how we make beet kvass:

Cut peeled, fresh beets into about 1 inch cubes. For every two cups of cubed beets add about 6 to 8 cups of spring water and a tablespoon of sea salt. Stir to dissolve salt. Cover lightly and let sit for about a week at room temperature. Strain out the beets and store in jars or bottles in a cool place. We often add a sliver of fresh ginger during fermentation. Go longer for a stronger brew. You can sometimes get a second batch out of the same beets. It's really satisfying. (You will eliminate in color. :cool: )

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