How to remove spots on buck

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
West-Central, Wisconsin
I recently bought a NZW buck and he has yellow/rust stains on his hips. I would assume that at one point he stayed in a cage that had a rusty cage floor. I did try to kinda wash these areas with a whitening shampoo but it did not work. Any suggestions?
:idea: Baking soda and vinegar. It will foam like crazy, but it wont hurt him. I would powder him with the baking soda, rubbing it in well, and then mist him down with vinegar. Towel him off, and brush the remainder out as he dries. If you have a blower, even better- but even a high speed hair dryer (low or no heat) will help get any powder out. It wont hurt him if he eats some- he may even like the salt content.

:!: Disclaimer: I have never tried the above before and have no idea if it will work. But it is what came to mind, so there ya go.

:idea: Hydrogen peroxide. You'll probably need 6% for a bleaching effect though.
:idea: Lemon juice and direct sunlight.

If all else fails, pray that he sheds soon!
I agree with MamaSheepDog on the last point...wait until he goes through molt. Hopefully, the new coat will show the desired coat color!<br /><br />__________ Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:54 pm __________<br /><br />I agree with MamaSheepDog on the last point...wait until he goes through molt. Hopefully, the new coat will show the desired coat color!
Probably not rust, probably urine stains. I have one buck whose hindquarters stay this way because he LOVES pee! LOL He will roll it, lick it, etc...I have given up trying to keep him stain free since he is not a show rabbit. He even gets it on his face o_O