how to read show report

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2012
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I got the show report back from the Gridley show. I have no idea how to read it. what are the points for? I would think that where it has place would be how they placed in the show. but where it has number of exhibitors the numbers are low and I know there were more rabbits that were in the class. I am confused
Let me take a stab at it.

A. The points are the breed club sweepstake points you cumulated based on the number of rabbits in the class and where your rabbits placed. The points are reported back to the breed club. Points are cumulated thru the year for each show you show in. Bragging rights at the end of the year, possibly other club recognition.

B. The class is normally Jr / Sr / Buck / Doe / Color, etc. For example I show Tans. There are 4 colors in the breed. A class would be Lilac Sr Buck; Lilac Sr Doe, Lilac Jr Buck, Lilac Jr Doe and so on thru the colors. There would be four classes in each color. The numbers should be the number shown in each class and the number of exhibitors showing in that class. You would need to have at least 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors for a first place rabbit in a class to win a leg for that rabbit. For BOV you would need 5 rabbits in the Lilac (for example) group as a whole and 3 exhibitors. For BOSV you would need 5 bucks and / or does in that class and 3 exhibitors to win a leg. So on thru the colors. BOB you need 5 rabbits and 3 exhibitors in the breed and for BOSB you need 5 bucks and /or does in the breeds and 3 exhibitors.

Whew.... I hope I got that right. Now some breeds have groups, etc. i.e. shaded, agouti, etc. but I don't show in them. However, I would think the principles are the same.

Don't feel bad though, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around a lot of it. To make matters worse, not all show reports are the same depending upon which software is being used.

Oh if you want the total number of rabbits in the breed shown, and your rabbit doesn't win BOB you normally will need to keep those numbers yourself. Again, for example if I don't show a rabbit in the "Sr Black Doe" class then I won't know how many of those rabbits there were unless I keep my own tally because I'm only getting results for the classes I was showing in.

Hope this helps a little bit maybe, and if I'm wrong in anything, somebody step up and correct my errors. :?
With out seeing the report sheet... i'm just making a guess based on how our reports come in...

Here in NY... the points are for State club awards... First in a class earns 6 points times the number of animals in the class, Second earns 4 times the number in the class, third 3 times the number, forth 2 times and 5th 1 point for every rabbit in the class. More points are added for Best of Variety, or Group...Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex of the Breed.
At the end of the show season... points are totaled up and awards are given for the exhibitor who earned the most points in each breed.
There are other rules... such as needs to be a member of a Local club (that is affiliated with the State club) And others... it gets cunfuzzeling at times.

National Breed Clubs also have points... but those are usually done at the Natl. Club and not at the State...Unless... there is a State Specialty club as well.

There... i believe i have muddied the waters quite well ! Actually... i hope this was Some help.
I only have one set of show reports for Percy-- I stapled the judges comment sheet to them-- I figure it is a form of show record, right?

your answers helped me, too, folks.